Everyone hates that time of year where you need to register for your spring semester classes. It is honestly more stressful than anything I've ever done. The feelings I have toward this can only be accurately described with gifs.
1. Meeting with your adviser.
I personally hate group advising. I feel like I never get all my questions answered because my adviser is too busy with other students. Be lucky if you have one-on-one advising. Sometimes they are not the best of help because they are just as stressed out as you are, but they try their hardest to help you pick out what classes are best for you. It is just a lot to handle trying to pick out the right classes.
You have to figure out what time you want to take your classes because if you don't, it would be your luck that you are stuck with 8 am classes every day. Nobody wants that. I don't wish that on my worst enemy. If you do not look up information on your possible teacher you can get stuck with a professor that does not believe in extra credit, or even worse, no curves. A great source to look up information on professors at your school is www.koofers.com. You search by your college then narrow your search by looking up the name of the professor. You can find out that your best option just happens to be a professor that spits a lot when he talks, so just sit a few rows back and you will be okay. Way better than no curves or extra credit.
3. The dreaded day.
You haven't been able to sleep, it has been worrying you completely. All you have been doing is thinking, "What if that class is full?" "What if I don't get the professor I want?" "What if I have a panic attack and have to go to the hospital and completely miss registering for classes because I am freaking out so much. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??" Oh, is that last part just me? You can be lucky and register during a time where you do not have class. Or you can have luck like mine and your registration time is during not only class time, but it's test day. I won't even be able to concentrate. I'll be freaking out.
This is it. The only thing preventing you from your future is a few clicks of a mouse. I hope you have the best of luck in picking your classes. You may not be able to get what you want, but there is always next semester. You are prepared, you have picked out your classes beforehand and have come up with your worst-case scenario classes (those 8 am classes I mentioned). You may be extremely lucky and get exactly what you need. Or you can be screwed and not get into any class that you need because it is full. It is all a part of registering for classes. So good luck to you.