Who are you? And I don't mean your name, or what you do for a living; but who are you when no one is looking? When society isn't dictating who you should be, but the you you actually are beneath it all. Today there are so many standards we are all held to and if we differ even slightly we are categorized and stereotyped. But from here on out, I refuse to be a Stereotype.
I refuse to be labeled and boxed away as anything other than an individual, because that is what we all are. Billions of individuals just trying to live day by day, all over the world, and so many ignorant people have the nerve to tell them their way of life, the way they look, who they are is wrong. It's demeaning and disappointing to think after all this world has been through we would have learned by now. After so much tragedy from such stupid prejudice, we would have learned to just let our difference strengthen us as a world, and a united people.
I hate that when we look at one another we only see what society has made us into, drones following whatever new trend has started whether it be chokers, being a size 0, or being neurotic narcissists who only care about themselves. It's so easy to follow everything that's going on, but it's no different than trying to be exactly like everyone else. I understand everyone gets FOMO, and has this need to try everything new because you now why not? That is how we differentiate our likes and dislikes, but it's the people who hold these newest trends and standards of living to a new level where they take on rule like qualities.
Life is held at a different standard for everyone and everything, we need only see the value of our own self-worth among others. You were put in this life to be who you are, not what society says you should be. At the end of the day if you aren't happy with the person you are only you have the power to want to change for yourself, no one else can make you.
We are all so lucky to live in a world where our individuality is something to celebrate, so we need to stop looking down our noses at anyone who tries to be different and embrace them. Embrace their spirit and their way of life because you should consider yourself lucky someone else wants to share themselves with you.
We are all so vain and self-loving in this follower based life, we don't even realize how simple-minded we all appear when we boost about ourselves but have done nothing to appear great or unique. We need to step outside of our own thought process for a moment and remember there's always another way to see something.