Everyone gets that Winter laziness slump when the sun isn't as bright and the weather isn't as warm, but once the Summer comes you would think people would want to do more with all this energy and optimism the warm weather brings them. However, most college kids I know, myself included, spend the Summer time binge-watching shows on Netflix and eating until they find themselves in a permanent food coma.
Each Summer I find myself guilty of the same thing, but at the end of the Summer always disappointed that I didn't do all the things I could have when I had the ambition to, but not this one. This Summer, as I'm suggesting to you, is the time to make yourself some goals and use all the free time you're getting to work your hardest to achieve them.
Instead of spending your free time complaining about how you're so lazy and don't do anything just take some time to get your priorities listed and try to accomplish all that you've been pushing off. That Summer body you postponed until next Summer? No one said you had to start your Summer with it, and all that free time is totally enough to dedicate your all to perfecting the way you see yourself. Those places you wanted to see? Get some friends together, or go alone, and just explore them. Those new things you wanted to try? You have all the time at your fingertips to learn a new skill or find yourself a new hobby.
I usually spend my Summer doing just the same as everyone else and finding new ways to not leave my bed to make up for the lack of sleep I got during the school year, but have decided against the same old thing for this one. This Summer I'm going to use the free time and energy to do all the things I've been wanting to, but have been avoiding.
Some examples of what I'm doing this Summer to be productive:
1. Learning how to cook.
2. Going to the gym so that my body is the way I want it to be.
3. Reading a lot of books I've had on a list for what feels like eons.
4. Going hiking in new places.
5. Caring more for myself before I care for others.
If you have the ambition to see how many TV shows you can watch; you can find the ambition to take that pent up energy and those positive vibes that Summer brings and do something good for yourself. I promise, you'll thank yourself in the long run when you look back and think about all you accomplished in those few months you had a break than complaining about it when the warm weather starts to disappear at the beginning of Fall.