Earlier this year, Donald Trump said that the Syrian refugees are like a bowl of skittles. If each person was a skittle, and in that bowl was a few bad Skittles, would you let your kids eat from the bowl? Yes, he actually said that these people are like Skittles. People=candy according to Trump. Well, Mr. Trump, what say you to the fact that out of the thousands and thousands of refugees that have been moved into Europe, an almost infinitesimal percent of them have actually been bad? Seriously. And the individuals that did commit these acts were men, that didn't come from Syria, and came by themselves. Pretty easy to see they're not real refugees. But let's go back to that Skittles remark. These are PEOPLE. HUMAN BEINGS. They have families. Wives, husbands, children, parents, friends, grandparents. You reduced them to a piece of food. Does that even compute how degrading that is? Telling an entire group of people that your foreign policy for not allowing them in is a food metaphor. Honestly, I'm impressed that when running for the office of the president that you would be willing to say something so ignorant and misinformed. Absolutely absurd. Then again, that's par for the course for you Trump, a man who once claimed that global warming was invented by the Chinese. Damn, that's a bold move. I don't know about you folks, but if someone compared me to candy like it was a legitimate explanation, I would be pretty upset. Not even my own race, this has me upset at the thought of such an affront.
There's one other thing that Donald is assuming from this statement. He is saying that our lives, the lives of Americans, are worth more than Syrian lives. He is saying he's not willing to risk anything to save the lives of thousands upon thousands of people when over a dozen countries have already done so. Here's how I see it: my life is not worth any more than another good persons. These people want peace and safety, but because you are afraid of the ones (that aren't part of this group mind you) that want to cause us harm, you are willing to let these people perish and suffer. If we allow Syrians refugees into the U.S. and a terrorist kills 20 Americans, but we save the lives of 10,000 Syrians, that's okay. These individuals would have died trying to escape or been killed by the armies roaming their countries. Are you seriously going to tell me that the lives of 20 Americans are worth the same as thousands of these emigrants? That's unbelievably selfish and self centered. Let me explain this though: I wish no harm upon anyone, and I'm in no way advocating letting terrorists into this country. However, if the reason for not letting these people in is that we think our anti-terrorist groups won't work, when France took a terror attack (from non-refugees) and still allowed refugees in, accepting that the risk is worth the reward, then we have officially resigned ourselves to thinking that we are above the rest of the world and that's something I cannot condone.
We're all human, and everyone deserves the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By not allowing the people in and comparing them to Skittles, you are denying them all of those. Welcome to Trump's America.