Reframing is a way in which reality is being created- through our assumptions, beliefs, and schemas. Changing your conceptual and emotional viewpoint to fit more with the situation will allow you to focus on the future. Active listening can help you reformulate what people say and reflect rather than ignoring their words. Here's how reframing can help you conquer all 10 types of thinking traps:
1. Thinking Traps: All or nothing thinking.
- Example: "I failed that examination. I always fail at important things."
- Solution: "While it is unfortunate that I failed the examination, I know I can do better. I need to study as I have in the past."
2. Thinking Traps: Predicting the future in a negative way.
- Example: "Something bad is going down, I am sure of it."
- Solution: "I am not sure what the future will bring, but chances are high that it will be good."
3. Thinking Traps: Minimizing the significance of your accomplishments.
- Example: After acing an interview, you might comment, "Oh, it was nothing really. They probably would have hired anyone."
- Solution: Write down three things you did well during the interview.
4. Thinking Traps: Over-generalization.
- Example: "Since that project went wrong, the next one will surely go wrong too."
- Solution: "I've learned so much since the last project and now I have the opportunity to prove it."
5. Thinking Traps: Jumping to conclusions.
Giphy- Example: You text your friend and your friend doesn't reply. You assume that "my friend doesn't care about me or is mad at me."
- Solution: "He is probably in class and can't text right now."
6. Thinking Traps: Tunnel vision.
Giphy- Example: "He is so stubborn and always has to have his way."
- Solution: Ask yourself: What biases are you bringing into the situation? What part of his idea could you agree with?
7. Thinking Traps: Magnifying.
- Example: You make a mistake at work: "Now I will lose my job. I won't be able to pay my bills. I will lose my house."
- Solution: "I could have done better. I will do better next time. I rarely make these mistakes."
8. Thinking Traps: Personalization.
- Example: "I got all the red lights on my way to work today; I have the worst luck and must be cursed."
- Solution: "I have also had all green lights when driving to work. Regardless, I need to leave earlier for work just in case…"
9. Thinking Traps: Externalizing.
- Example: "It is not my fault my assignment was late, the computers were all down in the building this morning before class."
- Solution: "I should have not waited until the last minute to do this. I will learn from it."
10. Thinking Traps: Mind reading.
- Example: "Since that project went wrong, the next one will surely go wrong too."
- Solution: "I've learned so much since the last project and now I have the opportunity to prove it."
"Our key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it." – Marianne Williamson