"Mirror, mirror on the wall, I just want to be thin, pretty and tall" (Lisa King).
As many young adults know, looking in the mirror is not always a pleasant experience. We all look in the mirror and can only see things we want to change, but can never focus on the positive things about ourselves.
"Mirror, mirror, if I starve myself, at least I'll be beautiful, forget my health" (Lisa King).
American society has created a standard for beauty that is almost impossible to achieve. Girls try to model themselves after the Victoria Secret Angels, who basically starve themselves in order to keep their slim build. Unfortunately, instead of being healthy, and eating right, many people think that this is the solution to achieving 'beauty'.
"Mirror, mirror, don't you see? What you show is ruining me" (Lisa King).
Not being able to reach this unrealistic goal ruins so many lives. From eating disorders, to depression, to cases that even get as bad as suicide, the standard of beauty that Americans have set is ruining lives and self esteem of young adults not only in America, but all over the world.
There are so many traits that I would rather have than being "skinny" even if that means that I will never be "hot."
1. Smart
While intelligence doesn't necessarily determine your life, it is a much more useful characteristic than being appealing to the eye. Being intelligent is not just about being book smart. The quality of empathy is a form of being intelligent, allowing you to care about other people, and relate to what they are going through. Recognizing when to say please, or thank you, and picking up on social cues are types of intelligence that are necessary to leading a life that sets you up for prosperity. All types of intelligence generally lead to success, and nothing is more attractive than a person who is successful.
2. Financially Stable
Along with success, being financially stable is such an important quality that I would much rather have than a slim figure. Being able to provide for not only myself, but also the people I care about is so much more significant virtue than being attractive by the standards of society. This is a actually a useful trait to life that will also help to contribute to your quality of life, as well as the level of success you are able to achieve.
3. Optimistic
The good ole' glass half empty, half full debate has been around forever, and personally I am a half full girl myself. Being optimistic about life, and about your future is a characteristic that not many people have, but it is one that will help you go so far. If you are constantly doubting everything you do, and your ability to be successful, chances are you are not going to live your life to the fullest. For example, if you try to go skydiving and all you can think about during the helicopter ride is that your parachute is not going to release, you're never going to be able to have that experience. Having optimism about life is another quality I would much rather have than being beautiful by the standards of society.
4. Cultured
Along with being well-educated, being well-cultured is so much more important than being physically attractive. As a young adult, or even well into adulthood, everyone says there goal is to travel the world, but how many actually do? Experiencing other cultures and knowing there is more to the world than what lies within the metaphorical borders of the United States, allows the world as a whole to have a better understanding of each other. If everyone had this same understanding with how life worked outside of his/her own country, we could possibly prevent disputes and be the generation that makes the world a better place.
5. Felicitous
The most important trait in life, whether you have your goal physique, have a genius IQ, are considered part of the top 1% of the world, or have been to and experienced all 196 countries on Earth, is that you are happy. You could have all of those things and be the most miserable person out there, but as they say in Annie, "you're never fully dressed without a smile." If you don't have a reason to get out of bed every morning, and something that makes you feel like your life is complete, none of the rest matters. If you are comfortable in your body, and you are happy, then it doesn't matter what society says, by any standards.
"Don't lock yourself in a broken soul, or I promise one day, you'll lose all control" (Lisa King). Build your self-confidence, love yourself, and find happiness, because that's the only thing that will matter in the end.