Finals week is never particularly easy for anybody. We cram entire course loads into one week, we lose sleep and we live off of caffeine. College usually seems like a party, until you face the reality of finals week and have to chose between wasting your money by not passing a class or drinking an entire bottle of vodka to escape responsibilities.
Finals week also presents another barrier for some students, mental health. No one wants to deal with lingering depression or anxiety during finals, especially when we are stressed out as much as we possibly can.
Anxiety can sometimes ruin tests, it can affect every aspect of life but regardless it is a part of who we are.
Practicing self-care is never particularly easy, especially for those who are more inclined to self destructive tendencies. Losing sleep during finals week can be expected due to studying, but losing sleep because you can't turn your brain off? That's a problem.
Remember to keep calm, and keep breathing. This will pass and you will pass (all your classes). Don't worry about what happens so much you lose sleep. A grade doesn't define you, it's your hard work and determination to succeed in your field that will.
There is never such a thing as being weak because of mental health. Students who deal with their responsibilities and their school work are truly something special.
After finishing this semester I think I can handle just about anything next semester brings. I've read five books, written twelve papers and actually enjoyed my coursework.
That's an accomplishment. And I can't wait to accomplish so much more.