2016 has come to an end. I woke up on the 1st of January and looked at the new calendar I purchased a few days ago.
I said it out loud in my head, and for some reason it seemed to sound particularly strange. More so than previous years. And then it hit me.
This year I will be graduating from college. A few months ago, it all seemed so far away, but now as I am about to start my final semester, it all feels so surreal. Only 33% of American's currently hold a bachelor's degree. I am about to join that 33% and I could not feel more blessed.
But what does this mean for me? Am I going to be able to find a job? Will I have to move back home? These are the thoughts that have been swarming my mind for the past few days and they've left me with sleepless nights. I know that I don't want to let the people down who have helped me through this entire experience, but what if I do?
As I let these thoughts run free, I want to take the time to thank those people. My parents have done more for me than they could ever imagine. There are teachers from high school that are still making a lasting impact on me to this day. I have met amazing professors throughout the last three and a half years that have pushed me past boundaries I didn't even know I had. And finally, my friends have been the backbone of the support system that I so desperately needed.
Thank you, everyone.
I'm excited to see what 2017 is going to bring.
A Soon To Be Graduating Senior