The moment you wake up to your nose bleeding everywhere is the moment you know that the day is not your day already. So when I was awoken at eight o'clock this morning to blood spewing from my trusty nose, I probably should have just stayed in bed.
Did I though? No. I chose not to let this horrifying alarm clock stop me. It was Friday! It was going to be good! Nothing could stop me! I got out of bed and began preparing for my day. As I was going to put my mascara on before I left for class, I promptly stabbed myself in the eye with the wand, which kept me from fully opening my eye for at least a half hour.
It doesn't stop there. I was late to class because I couldn't find a parking spot. I went to visit my friend at her place of work, and I was told I had to leave because I was being too distracting; I was seriously so embarrassed. I went to pick up a few things at Walmart, and then got accused of stealing because I didn't have a bag (save the environment, people) and I forgot to get my receipt. I ran straight into a girl at CVS, and to top it all off, I have a menacing cold that's been looming over me for weeks.
As you read this, you're probably thinking: wow, I've had bad days like this, too. It's something that happens to all of us. For some reason, the universe gets a little off its axis on some days, which causes some pretty bad things to happen to us. And I get it, these aren't even that bad of things. They're mild inconveniences at worst. But these things still affect our days. They make us crabby, they make us irritated, and they just make us plain upset.
I don't know if I'm speaking for everyone, but 2016 has not been a very good year. On a personal scale, I have dealt with a lot of problems that I've never had to conquer before. On a global scale, the world is also suffering from a plethora of problems. I think this is why our bad days this year have seemed just a little worse than the ones a year before. It's hard to be positive when so much is happening in so many aspects of our world. We see death, famine, and war occurring everywhere it feels like, which makes our small day-to-day problems pale in comparison.
However, this doesn't mean our problems don't matter. I really hate the belief that just because something worse is happening to someone else means that you shouldn't feel sad about the things that are happening to you. Of course worse things are happening, and as long as you're aware of that, I believe you should be able to experience any emotion you want about the problems you're experiencing.
On that note though, I would like to try to send one positive message out: please do not let these small everyday problems get you down. I know we're all having a hard time right now, whether it be with finals, family matters, or personal problems that you feel like you're facing alone. We are all feeling that right now, locally, nationally, and globally. So I'll leave you with a quote from one of my favorite people, Patrick Stump: "When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you." So when you too find yourself late for class or being yelled at in Walmart, try to send better feelings out into the world. They may just make their way back to you.