A year or so ago, I sat down in the Union on campus and applied to join Odyssey. It was in between classes, and I had just finished reading an Odyssey article when I considered the idea of writing for Odyssey myself. I was a Rhetoric and Writing major who had no idea what she wanted to do with this random major, so I thought that maybe writing for Odyssey could be an outlet of sorts while I figured it out.
Over the course of the year, I did just that. I started this journey on a whim, but that whim has slowly become the catalyst that set me on the journey of figuring out where my life is heading. Through the weekly articles, Odyssey has given me the chance to learn an incredible amount. I have learned how to be a better writer, how to write in an appealing way to my audience, and what it feels like when someone other than your mom relates to your writing. Most importantly, though, I have learned a great deal about myself.
Before starting this journey, I had no clue where I was heading. I was in a major that had no clear set path for me, so I was expected to make it up as I went along. However, I had no way of even starting the process of making it up until I joined Odyssey. Odyssey set me on a path I would never have expected. All throughout high school, I hated writing, however, after joining Odyssey I learned that I actually really love everything about writing. I love how I have the freedom to write about whatever my heart desires. I love the feeling of pride when thousands of people relate my work. But above all, I love how through this passion I have grown so much.
When I first joined Odyssey, I was very hesitant about taking big risks and pretty shy with sharing my voice with the world. However, over the past year, I have learned to take pride in my thoughts and beliefs and to not be scared to share them with the world. Odyssey has given my shy self an outlet to share what she feels with her peers, and through it, she has grown to become a much more confident person.
I have loved every minute of my time with Odyssey, and it was all because of a fleeting thought. This whim set me on a path that has led to so many rewarding experiences, so if you ever find yourself dwelling on a passing thought go ahead and follow it. I had no idea what I was getting into when I joined Odyssey, but I could never regret following that whim that random November day in the Union because it has brought me so much.
So join the organization you're too scared to join because you don't know anyone, apply for that leadership position you don't think you're qualified for, or apply for that internship you keep talking yourself out of but you still have marked on your bookmarks bar. Whatever it is, go and do it because for all you know it could set you on a path you could never have expected otherwise.
And if this whim leads you to join Odyssey at Texas, I wouldn't complain.