Amidst the string of police brutality attacks, a new situation has arose. I recently watched a video where a Oklahoma City police officer, Daniel Holtzclaw, raped a 15 year old African American girl. Found guilty and sentenced to 263 years in prison, this is a good, but rare example of police officers being brought to justice for their wrongdoings. Over the past decade, police officers have been getting away with numerous crimes, from the death of Trayvon Martin, to the most recent death of Terrance Crutcher.
Watching numerous videos and seeing posts on Facebook and other forms of social media about the crimes committed by police officers and seeing them get away with it, not only goes against the justice system, but it goes against the moral conduct of the police force. Being a police officer means "protect and serve," not "abuse and take advantage of" the power that was given to them in good faith with the understanding that they would not abuse it. These recent deaths have brought people all over the world together. Not only to help us realize that something needs to be done about police brutality,but to help us better understand where we went wrong in putting our trust in those legally bound to the law that they so blatantly disregard for reasons that we may never understand. I recently asked a few people what there thoughts are on the situations at hand and this is what a few of them had to say:
"I think it's become a really big deal and that it is important that we do what we can to prevent it from continuing to happen." -J.B
"Well, I have a lot of family who are police officers (in areas that are predominately African American neighborhoods) who have never done anything beyond what they are allowed to do, so for me it is frustrating when the media makes it seem like all police officers are cruel towards the suspects because it's simply not true. Yes, some have done it, but that doesn't mean they all do it. It isn't a case of monkey see, monkey do." -D.D
"Oh I don't really care about that stuff! Lmao like yeah it's sad but I don't really worry about it! If they're not assaulting me then it's whatever haha." -anon
"I don't know to be honest."-former high school classmate
"Any brutality is wrong, evil, and immoral. When people who are entrusted to serve and protect the people abuse their oath, they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Why do those who have sworn to protect and serve abuse their authority? One reason is that they have bought into the hype of fear mongering, the blame game, and other such nonsense (not willing to hear or see the truth) and it clouds their judgment. As a result of this deception, they fall deeper and deeper into the ways of the flesh (pride) and will lie, cheat, and engage in these kinds of actions to be right no matter what the facts are.
It's a shameful reality that this country/world will never overcome.
Our Hope and Comfort will not come from any earthly human being, organization, institution, or government.
We must purpose to do the right thing because it is right to do, and treat all people with respect and dignity. But we must also not tolerate anyone, or any organization, government, or institution that has a desire and plan to kill innocent people without fear of consequences.
All people have a God given right to protect themselves by any means necessary." -J.D Martin
As you can see from the responses I have received from a few people I know, some have strong feelings towards the situation, others are frustrated, while others either don't know, or don't seem to have much empathy. I believe that police brutality is an issue and I agree that it is something that we all need to ban together and try to stop. Even if it isn't a big impact on the world, every little change is a big change when you do it with other people.