A brief look into my personal style, featuring my style inspirations, favorite items and how I'm wearing them.
Music: So Good at Being In Trouble, Unknown Mortal Orchestra
A brief look into my personal style, featuring my style inspirations, favorite items and how I'm wearing them.
Music: So Good at Being In Trouble, Unknown Mortal Orchestra
I've been a bleach blonde for over a year now, and let me tell you, it is a lifestyle. More hair appointments, longer showers, and special shampoo. But it is totally worth it!
Despite the struggles, you love your platinum blonde hair! You make sure Instagram knows it, too. You don't need a filter, because the color is flawless by itself!
Finals: just thinking about them gives you anxiety. Only two weeks separate you from summer, but they're the longest of the semester. There's a familiarity to this season, now that you have had so many testing cycles under your belt. But that doesn't quell the ever present stress to pass your finals and your classes. Even better, as a package deal during these wonderful weeks, you get to wake up early to study and you get to take exams that can begin anytime from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Now that we have established that this week is not fun, here are some super relatable moments that punctuate finals week.
1. The amount of caffeine you've consumed these two weeks.
Those late-night study sessions can't happen when you're asleep, so you try to down as much of this liquid energy as possible. Sleep is for the weak.
2. Trying to keep yourself from being distracted by your phone.
You're so determined because finals are nearing...
... but then you get sad that you don't have your phone, so you find new ways to distract yourself.
3. The feeling you get before you take a test.
No matter how much you study for a test and no matter how prepared for a test you feel, there is always a feeling of anxiety before you take that test.
4. Your face when the first question is something you didn't study for.
We've all had that one demoralizing moment when the first question on a test is something we didn't study for. You then question why you studied in the first place.
5. The feeling you get when you've finished your first final.
After that killer first question, you realize that studying actually was very helpful. You breeze through the rest of that test...
...and walk out feeling victorious.
6. When you get out of an 8 A.M. final and finally get to eat food.
Let's be honest, waking up to eat at 7 A.M. before your 8 A.M. final sound absolutely terrible. Especially if you're me and you went to sleep at 3 A.M. That glorious moment when you get out of a final and run to the nearest dining hall and stuff your face with food is pretty rewarding.
7. When you have to study for the rest of your finals.
You thought that first one sucked, but then you have like eleventy-two more and you start crying.
8. When you realize that you know none of the material.
You realize that you should have taken better notes because you basically have to relearn all of the material.
9. When someone else is finished with all of their exams and rubs it in your face.
We all have that one friend that brags about finishing their finals early. If you don't have that friend it may be you...
10. When you're done with all of your exams.
Nothing feels more amazing than being done with your exams for the testing season. Now it's finally summertime and you have never been more ready for it. No matter how much this period of time sucks, you'll get through it! It may seem super daunting, but the feeling you have when you walk out of that last final will be absolutely worth it. So as you are burning the midnight oil away (because those A's won't get themselves), just know that summer will be all the sweeter after you finish these finals.
I've been at this college thing for almost three and a half years, and while I thought that high school was truly the lowest point of my existence, I'm beginning to realize that it was a walk in the park. Like, I miss the days when the biggest white lie I told my parents was my made up excuse about being late for fourth period. These days, the white lies are a tad more complex, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, I've definitely told a few of these.
Said as you're heating up a "Cup O' Noodles" in your dorm-room microwave. Does anyone have any Tobasco sauce? And let's not even mention that love affair with the ice cream machine in the dining hall.
*Turns up volume on whatever Netflix series I happen to be bingeing on..*
I usually run crying to my bedroom due to complete anxiety after I tell this one..
This one worked flawlessly for me in high school, and still gets me out of any grade-related conversation.
I don't even know if that's a little bit true, but at least it makes me feel slightly better.
I mean, those high school habits sure do die hard...
Said as I'm two carts deep in random sh*t that I found at Target...
Help me, I'm poor.
No actual motivation to speak of.
Telling them that I'm actually a semester behind is really just better for their sanity.
As most of us already know, Friends is one of the greatest television series ever produced. The cast is genius. The humor never gets old. The episodes are relatable and timeless.
I can easily say that I have watched each season at least three times and I belly laugh harder every time. All Friends fans can agree that there are certain lines that form a bond between us and when heard one cannot help but laugh.
Here are 50 of the most comical and flashy Friends quotes from all 10 seasons.
College can be one of the best memories in a person's life, but it is not all peaches and cream like many movies make it out to be. In the amount of time you attend college, you will discover some of the best and worst things that come along with the college experience.
If you're lucky, the friends you will make in college may be with you for the rest of your life. This can especially happen if you are involved in Greek life or organizations that have a close community. I have friends that I would meet at the dining hall for dinner, go to events with, etc. I even have two classes with one of my best friends right now. Even if the friendships you make don't last long after college, the opportunity to form these friendships are one of the best things that can happen at college.
Many people don't even have the option to attend college. If you get that chance, take advantage of this one in a lifetime opportunity. College is a unique four-year experience that is once in a lifetime. I am a first-generation college student, so I have stories and memories that my parents will never have. Because of that, I cherish this time.
Let's not forget that you're actually in college to learn. Aside from the fun times that come along with college, you are also being prepared for the job world all four years. It will be filled with on-campus jobs, internships, mentors, and building relationships along the way. All of those things will help you once it is time for you to start job hunting. You're being taught skills and receiving connections that people who do not attend college may have to figure out on their own.
Before college you probably think you have everything figured out. In reality, you don't! You have no idea that the person you are at 18 is probably the total opposite of the adult you will form into by the time you graduate. I have a completely different outlook and mindset of life all because of my college experience so far. I'm glad about this because the 19-year-old mindset I had when I first arrived was okay for my hometown, but it wasn't going to get me far in my field of study. I have experienced love, heartbreak, depression, stress, and much more during college. Some of those things weren't enjoyable to experience, but they have and are continuing to shape me into the adult I need to be in order to be ready for a job, family, love, etc. Consider college a four year time slot where you are free to make mistakes and try new things until you get it right. You are creating your path and future during this time!
The absolute best part of college is graduation. It is the few seconds of recognition you get for the long and stressful years you spent obtaining your degree. Although those few seconds are incomparable to the journey you just completed, it's all worth it. It's proof of a significant accomplishment in your life plus you may even be lucky enough to receive a few gifts from others.
I don't think the students nor parents/guardians can agree on anything more than how expensive college is. No matter what college you attend, they all cost money. Although it is great that aid such as scholarships and grants exist, but the fact that college is so expensive in the first place is the problem. My school is over $20,000 a year. With that kind of money, you can pay rent for a year, buy a car, pay bills, buy food, and other things that will actually benefit someone's current well-being. Yet, students are being forced to pay thousands of dollars a year just because we want to further our education. Is that a crime? If not, why are we being forced to pay such outrageous amounts for the one piece of paper we will receive after graduation?
Although one of the major benefits of college can be the friendships you may make, one of the worst things about college is feeling like you don't fit in. Not everyone is that person who you see with a group of people at all times. There are people who do eat alone at the dining halls, not by choice. Many times, it's because those students feel overwhelmed, haven't found people with similar interests as the, or they need time to adjust. Some people may not find "their people" until junior year, and that is perfectly fine. Just remember that you are not the only person on the entire campus that feels like this. I was in the same position my entire first year at college.
Dorm life for some may be good, but for most it is awful. Regardless if you get along with your roommate or not, the lack of privacy can be extremely annoying at times. Depending on the size, you may be sharing the size of a prison cell with a complete stranger. You can try to decorate most dorms, but the reality is that the cement walls will still be there. If you are someone that is used to anything bigger than a twin-size bed, then you are in for a rude awakening. I can go on and on about dorm life, but the list would be longer than this article. Again, I think every college student should get the experience, but you will probably be over living in a dorm after your first year.
Dining hall food can be good at times, but it can also be the nastiest stuff you have ever tasted. It all depends on the college honestly. Regardless, it will not be the home cooked meals you are probably used to. I thought I was living the dream every time I went to the dining hall. After a couple of months, I was missing my mother's cooking. The weight gain is also a real thing if you eat the dining hall food long enough. Also, meal plans are usually super expensive and not worth the food they actually serve.
This issue gets worse depending on the size of your school. For my school, I can never find a parking spot or a spot at the library. I put these two together because they are both concerned to spots and the lack thereof. When I lived on campus, my parking spot was taken before I could even turn around the corner. I would always have to carefully plan when I would leave or move my car. As far as the library, it seems like every seat is always taken. Anyone who goes to the library knows that the area you choose to sit at for the next few hours you hope to get work done in has a huge effect on whether or not your work will actually get done. The lack of available spots is just one of the many cons of attending a large college.