Dear college friends,
When I started college, one of my worst fears was based in not knowing what sort of people I would meet or who my friends would be. Little did I know, I would make the most incredible forever friends. Friends from other walks of life are certainly important and valuable as well. I want to acknowledge that. I'm reflecting on college friends particularly because college friends have a unique bond of going through the sweetest time in life together. What other friendships involve living around each other 24/7 in tiny spaces, going on midnight Walmart or Steak N Shake runs and procrastinating on homework by making spontaneous decisions to do something new? College friends have a unique relationship because they experience the first sweet taste of new freedom and also grow together into the next phases of adulthood. This sweet time in life moves too fast and the best times were the joyful moments in which we were simply together.
My college experience was exceptional because of you. Though there were several moments in which we dreamed about ambitious future plans and wished for opportunities to leave legacies and make an impact, what made the college experience worthwhile was each other. We pushed each other to be better and aspire for more. We gave each other unique life experiences full of treasured moments.
You shaped the person I am with your intelligence and your deep questions about the world. You inspired me and continue to inspire me with your desire to take care of other people and make a positive impact on society. You make me excited to travel and explore more of the world, encouraging and enabling my ability to do so. You challenged me to sincerely value and prioritize doing what is right by others. You made me believe in making a difference. College friends have the ability to do this because college friends find each other in a time when you are still solidifying the impending future and realistically trying to figure out what to do with your life more than ever before. The questions of the world and the desires of the heart suddenly begin to become more real and critical to acknowledge.
Thank you for your impact on me, and for being you. Words can never suffice to express the gratitude and luck I feel for being fortunate enough to cross paths in life with you. Thank you for doing life with me in college and embracing everything about me. You make me feel like I matter, and that is one of the best gifts a person can receive from a friendship. I will forever be in awe of the caliber of friends I made in college and value their continued impact on me. It's a wonderful thing to know that you have friends who have your best interests at heart, are genuine, and are actually your daily inspiration.
With heartfelt thanks,
Your dearest friend