Let me start of by saying this particular article is "Sex and the City" inspired, and yes, I cried during the episode which has led me to write this. I want to reflect on the ideas about soulmates, do we each only have one and live by trial and error to find him/her? Or do we have multiple soulmates and are given many chances to live our happily ever after?
I feel that we all have more than one soul mate, however, one is to fall in love with whereas the others are friends. With this, I feel like I have met my soulmates in college, and maybe one from high school. Let's start with high school. There is a guy who I have been friends with almost my whole time in high school. When he graduated, I still texted him often and now we go to the same college (and are in a few classes together). He is the longest friendship I have had, considering that the few friends I maintained throughout high school are just likes on Facebook or a "Happy Birthday" post away. I feel that he could be my soul mate, as someone who is good for my soul. With the way he treats me, he is more of a father figure than anything else.
My best friends in college may also be my soulmates. To think, a huge part of me went to high school with me, another part of me hours away in North Carolina, and the third part all the way from Texas. I may be wrong with my soulmates, like it is in the first question, hitting people by trial and error. However, these two women and my father figure have impacted my life greatly and for the better. They have shown me that I can keep friends through the crazy mess I am. A motherly wisdom from my soul in Texas, beautiful, blonde, strong both physically and mentally. An aggressive personality from my soul lost hours away in NC, loud, can cook meals beautifully, quick to anger and can throw most across the room. We all became friends instantly. Not all friendships are perfect, but we are all perfect together.
Who knows, maybe I have soulmates musically. If so, I would be happy to say K. Michelle is my soul mate, a woman who has helped me through her music. The simple love of R&B with the sound of her voice, I cannot express how in touch I am with multiple songs, many being with how I view myself and my troubles with finding love. You, reader, may not resonate to each song like I do, but she has given a great hope I cannot help but to believe wholeheartedly in.
I cannot go to say I have multiple soulmates without the hope of finding a man who will love me the way I should love myself. Hopefully the trial and error to find him does not leave my heart more fragmented that it already is. My heart is saying "He is out there. Your dreams of starting a family and having kids are coming into place. God has set that plan into motion." My only fear is, can my crazy subside until he gets to me?