In about a week, I will be turning 23 years old. As the day becomes closer, I find myself thinking about my life. I have gone through so much in my 22 years of life. I have laughed a lot, cried, smiled, hugged my love ones tight, failed, and made life changing decisions. I have watched my grandma, uncle, and aunt leave this earth and watched pieces of myself leave with them, struck with grief that even years later still haunts me. I watched my family come together in times of sadness and happiness, for parties to celebrate accomplishments, big or small, to celebrate the holiday season, a new member of the family and countless other events. My family has been the one constant in my life, no matter what life has thrown at me, my family has been right there by my side to catch me, to cheer me on, to support and love me no matter what. I graduated elementary and high school and went onto college. I made the decision to live at school and forever changed my life. I met a boy who broke my heart and another who decided we couldn’t be friends anymore. I met some of the strongest people I know. I lived with some of the best people in the world and learned so much from them. They have all shaped me into the person that I am today. I kept my two closest friends with me through it all, told them all the stories of what was going on in my life and took their advice to heart. I moved back home and went on a diet, conquering my fear of never being able to love myself. I lost 50 pounds and what I lost in weight I gained in self confidence, love and respect for myself and for everyone else around me. I learned how to appreciate compliments, how to look in the mirror everyday and smile at the person staring back at me. I graduated college and am currently conquering the real world. I am learning new things everyday at my job, growing as a person. I am becoming a better person each and every day of my life. I am writing again and it feels great to get my thoughts out there and to see others responding in such a positive way. I feel empowered seeing my words published. I made the decision on a whim over the summer and I am so glad that I did. I have so much to say and I finally have a place where I can say it! I am in a good place for the first time in 22 years and it feels really good. I feel happier, healthier, stronger, and ready for what 23 is going to bring me!