I am grateful for the countless interactions with strangers.
We don't owe each other anything, yet we hold the doors for each other, we smile, and nod when we cross paths. We are humans connecting. You remind me that being nice should not only be reserved for people I know. The little things you do simultaneously make me question everything and restore my faith in humanity.
I am grateful for acquaintances.
You may not mean much to me right now, but I will look back on something you said in Art History one day, and I will laugh and wonder how you're doing. Your comments about my art will help me to make a great portfolio piece that will help me get into a good school. You will be this person to many other people but I will feel a special connection to you.
I am grateful for my friends.
We aren't the conventional group that knows every little detail about the others, not those best friends you grew up with and know the ins and outs. I used to think that was weird, but as I grow up I will come to realize that all friendships are very different.
You are my colleagues, the people that I go to with homework and project issues. The people I talk about seemingly superficial issues, like makeup and relationships and memes. You know the important parts about me, and I you, the ones that the whole world sees. You will not be a permanent fixture in my life but you will stick with me forever.
I am grateful for my sister.
I can't even express how many times we've yelled "I hate you" at each other over the stupidest stuff, but I would do anything for you. You love me unconditionally even when you are pissed at me. We are friends by blood but I would not change that.
I am grateful for my mom.
I am lucky enough to get along very well with you, while other kids my age cannot say the same. You let me talk for a long time without interrupting and you listen, like actually listen. You are my support system and my friend forever and always.
I am grateful for my best friend.
You are the friend I had no choice over. We were made to play with each other at parties whether we liked it or not. We became inseparable. You are the middle sister that my younger sister and I never had. We can pick up where we left off even when we don't see each other for a long time. We are there for each other when we need it. We don't talk everyday but we understand that we are busy. I will be your maid of honor, no questions asked. You accept me for who I am.
I am an introvert that is grateful for human interaction.