A Reflection On Our Lives With David Palacio
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A Reflection On Our Lives With David Palacio

A young spirit who will live on through all of us.

A Reflection On Our Lives With David Palacio
Dignity Memorial: Johnson Funeral Home

At some point, we've all lost someone. Be it a pet, a relative, or a friend. No matter the cause, the effect strikes us all at the heart and soul. I feel that one of the saddest things about losing someone is the occasional instance when you don't even know them. Later, you hear all these things about them; what they did, how nice they were, etc. Then in a weird way, you kind of feel the grief yourself even though you never met them in person. However, learning all these things about them, you've sort of met them now. You've basically become their best friend -- even though they're gone.

Although I didn't meet David in person, I still feel as if we are family. Dixon students, faculty, and alumni are all one, big, endless support system that we are incorporated into once we step foot into the hallway. Like I said, I never had the honor of meeting David. Because of this, I decided to reach out to the Dixon High School community to help me compose this incredibly emotional piece. I set up a basic "prompt" for people to follow so it would be easy for people to speak out about their feelings.

1. How would you describe David?

2. What is a fond memory you share with David that you'd be willing to share?

I relied on the power of social media to get the news out that I was doing this project. Saying that it worked would pretty much be an understatement. A huge thank you to everyone who took the courage to contribute and voice about their feelings.

"He was a kind and funny guy. I did marching band with him. Last year, for the first set in our first song, the band made several small circles across the field with a color-guard member in the middle of each one. David was in mine and he always used to crack cheesy jokes to make us smile and keep us going through the agonizing practices in the heat. Sometimes when I was looking a little rough (because of my CF and all the physical activity mixed together), he would ask if I was OK and suggest that I sit out for a bit to catch my breath. Or he would compliment me on how well the guard and I were doing with our routine because I was the captain. His charisma is what kept our small circle on the field going through the pain, the sweat, and the exhaustion of practice."
-Francesca, DHS Graduate, Former Band-mate

"David was a great young man who was full or life. He was kind and respectful. He loved Dragon Ball-Z and I caught him watching it once in class while he was doing his work. He was obsessed with his hair to the point if you threatened to ruffle it he would run away. He was always smiling and would go out of his way to cheer up others."
-Mrs. Maevers, DHS Teacher

"David was such a wonderful person; he was always super friendly and willing to be your friend. I never saw him with a frown; he was always laughing and joking around. He was a genuine person and always found a silver lining in every situation."
-Danielle, DHS Student

"He was a hard-working track athlete, a goofball when it's needed, and like a brother to all of us."
-Gabby, DHS Student

"David was a people-person. There's not a single person he failed to make smile. He didn't even have to try. It just came so naturally to him."
-Jean, DHS Student

"He was a good friend, smart, funny, and nerdy; which is why we got along so well. He was the guy that would finish his work early then spend the rest of class time playing Halo on his lap top. He was an athlete, musician, nerd, and a good guy. He will be missed."
-Rayne, DHS Student

"He was the miracle I needed."4

David was an exceptional athlete in Spring Track.

"He was a great kid! His work ethic was awesome. He's the kind of kid that nobody said anything bad about."
-Coach Williams, Distance Track Coach, DHS Teacher

Courtesy of "Yuko's Pictures"
David was an exceptional athlete in Spring Track; he joined Spring Track with an amazing level of ambition and drive this season.

Many of David's friends described him as more of a comedic element.

One day during band camp, we were all walking back from the Scotchman, and he went and jumped on someone's car because we thought it was our friend's. Instead it was some random person's."

"David always made me smile. He never let anyone be unhappy. He was always so focused. If he wanted it, he would get it, you know? I met him in the auditorium during a rehearsal for the choir and band before a concert and I accidentally stepped on his shoe and from then on he always found a way to "accidentally" step on mine."

"I've know David since the beginning of the 6th grade. He always made people smile. You never saw him in a bad mood. He always made people happy. Most of my memories with him were in band; coming from that's the same class we've had together for 6 years. In class he played the Contra Bass Clarinet and he had a stand for it. Well, he set it down because he didn't need to play at one part. Sitting next to him, I saw the instrument start to fall backwards. I said David really loud and he tried to save it before it hit the ground but couldn't. The $100 mouth shattered and David just picked it up and looked around. Finally he looked at me and we just started to burst out laughing. That was David's attitude to everything."

7th Grade; David with Luke and Justin
Photo is courtesy of Luke Larsen

"David was always so full of life and happiness. He was one of the greatest friends you could ever have.

"In fifth grade, he used to wear a cowboy hat. One day, he pranced around yelling 'yeee hawwww.' He was dubbed as 'Cowboy Dave' by the teacher. I called him that since then.

"My favorite memories of David was joking with him last track season that him and Luke (Adrianna's brother) were twins and saying that he could be m little brother. And how much it eant to me that he and Luke were friends last year."

"I enjoyed having someone who loved video games and playing them as much as I did."
-Luke (Adrianna's Brother)

"Having David in a class I subbed for in middle school. He was so sensitive and had a giant heart.

David (middle-left) posing with his band-mates

Though I never had the honor of meeting David in person, I feel as if I've known him forever, now. Reading and hearing all these things that people say about him truly saddens me that he is absent in our lives. The best thing we can do now is move forward in his memory. Remember the good times. Remember the latent lessons he taught us. Remember his jokes. David's life lives on through all of us.

David will be forever missed by all. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this article. I figured this would be a good outlet to help some people grieve the loss of such a bright young man.

For those who felt uncomfortable submitting a full statement, I requested simple words to describe David, as a way to allow for everyone to contribute. I compiled this world cloud by combining everyone's statements and descriptive words people submitted. This clearly shows how he affected everyone's lives. I kind, funny, smart, courageous young man.

Thank you to everyone again for contributing what you could. Love you all!


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