Within a week, my first semester of college will be coming to an end. Throughout these past few months, I've realized that I've grown a lot.
Coming into college, I was anxious and pretty introverted. However, leaving my first semester, I'm pretty much the opposite.
I'm less anxious talking in front of people. I don't get as nervous with class presentations. I will talk to literally ANYONE. I'm better at asking for help. My communication skills are better. I know how to solve a lot more problems.
I care less about what other people think about me. I focus more on the people I care about and less on the people who I know don't care as much about me as I cared about them. I figured out what I like to write about. I work harder.
I found my own style. I don't let others walk all over me and I've learned to stand up for what I believe in.
Other than learning how to care for myself and make sure I am doing okay physically, I've also learned how to cope better mentally. I've learned more about myself and how my brain and body work. I've learned how to make myself feel better and how to talk about what's going on. Even though it's still not the easiest for me to talk about, I'm doing better with it than I was before.
I've also become a better writer. I've learned that in order to have an effect on the reader, you must write from the heart, which is something my mother has been telling me for a while now.
I've grown so much and I can see that my friends have as well. I can't wait to watch myself and my friends grow more next semester and the semesters that come after. I believe that college is helping me find who I really am, and I'm so excited to find out more about who I am.