I'm Reflecting On COVID-19 And Looking Forward To The Future With Hope | The Odyssey Online
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I'm Reflecting On COVID-19 And Looking Forward To The Future With Hope

I'm sure we're all going to be celebrating for a whole year.

I'm Reflecting On COVID-19 And Looking Forward To The Future With Hope
Photo by Katy Anne on Unsplash

This year, I will be able to safely walk in our graduation. I can't tell you how thankful I am for that. In all honesty, I was really bummed because just about everyone I know who is graduating with me is going on to get a higher degree so they said this graduation wouldn't matter as much. I'm not in the same boat. I'm done with school after this semester so this was going to be it for me.

While I'm thankful for the opportunity that I am getting by my college working this out for us, it's made me reflect on those who haven't gotten to do those memorable things this past year.

I think that it's so incredible that all of these people have endured this past year. I know that it must have been awful and I can only imagine looking forward to something like a graduation, prom, or a big birthday and then not being able to do anything. I turned 21 right after the pandemic, so I personally understand in a sense.

I just have so much respect for those people because even though it's hard, they got through it, and I'm sure we're all going to be celebrating for a whole year to make up for everything that was missed. So for everyone who has missed something special, hang in there, and plan to celebrate it all once COVID-19 is gone.

I truly believe that the minute the world goes back to normal, we'll all be having a year long party to make up for everything that was missed out on.

This has been something none of us ever expected to go through in our lifetime, but once we've all come out of it, it will be the biggest relief and I know for a fact we will all have such a different outlook on life. We will be so much more appreciative of being able to see our friend and family without worry of anyone getting sick, and of course we will continue to mourn and celebrate the lives of those we have lost along the way.

Look out 2022, you're going to be the year to celebrate. (Hopefully)

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