I've been reflecting on the past few weeks I have had. There have been many good things, but in my mind all I focus on are the bad things, the things that I could have handled differently, or been more positive about. Reflection is part of learning and becoming not only a better contributor to society, but to be a better partner for your significant other, a better daughter/son, a better brother/sister, a better friend, a better you. When you learn from your mistakes you realize that you are not your mistakes. You are who you choose to be.
This reminds me of something that teachers try to teach their students. You can only control you- how you respond, react, your feelings, your words. You control that. No one else does. Nothing else does. You can't always control your situations, but you can control yourself. It isn't easy. It's something we all have to come to terms with sooner or later though. Bad things will happen.
I see how I could have handled situations differently in the past few weeks of my life. When my laptop crashed, I did too, when I could have done what my mother told me to do. I could have prayed. I could have taken a deep breath and count to ten. Instead I cried and acted like it was the end of the world. When my boyfriend and I had a disagreement over a situation that has no present solution anyway, I did not handle the situation with the care that I should have. Even though it was nothing he had done, I took it out on him more than I meant to. He prayed for me, and made me feel better. He is so strong for me when I am not strong enough to handle my own problems. I can lean on him, and he can lean on me, which is a very precious thing. I have been blessed to have a boyfriend who stands by me no matter how upset I am at life. The point here is, I am the only one who can control my emotions.
So no matter how stressful life is or will be, I am the only one who can control how I react to it. My boyfriend reminded me of something I had forgotten during that time. Not only am I the only one who controls my reactions and emotions, but I will only crumble in on myself when I don't take my problems to God. Reading the Bible, praying, worshipping, spending time with Jesus makes an incredible difference in life. Although we may not get our answers right away, God has a plan for all of us, and He will reveal it to us when the time is right. He will give us wisdom, courage, and peace to face any situation, if we only as Him. As it says in James 1:5 of The Passion Translation of the Holy Bible, "And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! He wont see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but He will overwhelm your failures with His generous grace." As it says, if we would just ask God for wisdom- for any situation- then He will give it to us. He won't leave us in the dark. Today I challenge you to pay attention to your emotions, to monitor them, and give every situation to God no matter how difficult it may be. Reflect on your life. Learn from yourself. Give it all to Jesus. When you give everything to Jesus the difficulties of life won't make you crumble in on yourself. You'll stand strong with Jesus by your side.
I pray that you find the peace, courage, and wisdom that you need for whatever your situation is, right now, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Have a blessed week, my friends.