Do you ever feel like you have nowhere to turn? You are drowning in everyday life and don't know how to keep up or cope. Feeling like the world is conspiring against you? In our lives often times we feel abandoned, lost, and hopeless. During this time it is best to let our hope rest in God.
"If the world hates you, understand that it hated me first" John 15:15
As humans we have a need to feel wanted, a need for community and a need to feel validated. In this bible verse, Jesus is acknowledging that he, like ourselves, was often not perceived greatly by the world. However, this did not stop him from prospering and doing great things. The old saying when nothing goes right, go left is true in a sense that if life is becoming too hard to handle, try a different path. Strengthening of self comes from courage granted by God.
Often times in our chaotic lives, where we struggle to find time to manage school, work, a social life and family time, we forget the most important thing of all, quality time with God. The Bible is the number one purchased book in the world, but also the least read. We live in a culture where religion is easily dismissed and swept under the rug, hated by the world.
When the world hates you, remember that this same humanistic world also tortured and crucified its savior. Jesus relates to us with this verse from the Gospel of John. He wants us to come running to him when the world hates us. He welcomes us with open arms, imperfect as we are. In the eyes of the world, you will never be enough, however you are ALWAYS enough in the eyes of God.
The hate that the world exhibits proves to us that we do not belong to this world, but to God, as he selects us and invites us personally into communion with him. Hostility and hate in the world are inevitable, but we should not dwell on these things. The world is filled with godless men who grumble angrily at the thought of organized religion. In this world, we must be the god fearing ones, who humbly acknowledge his power, and have a desire to enter into a relationship with him.
Let the world hate you! Embrace its hatred and turn it into positivity. When the world knocks you down, get back up with dignity! The only time someone can make you feel inadequate is if you let them make you feel that way. By not giving into hate, you do not let the world win. Celebrate the small victories in life, and do not dwell on the bad experiences. While others spend time seeking worldly pleasures, set your sights on God.