In a goal-oriented society, it's not unusual to set New Year's Resolutions. The problem is, sometimes life doesn't go as planned. Suddenly your resolutions seem like giant hurdles in the way of you living your best life.
It's important to recognize that you're not the only one whose goals may not seem as attainable now versus the beginning of the year. Be it a job change, the fact your classes are more difficult than anticipated, or anything else, there shouldn't be shame in reevaluating your goals.
This reevaluation could, in fact, be exactly what you need to get on top of things.
It's fairly common to see a high rate of burnout with New Year's Resolutions. This happens for a multitude of reasons, some both in and out of our control.
No matter what the reasoning is, it's possible to get back to achieving the goals you had set for yourself.
One way to do so is to make a list of your set resolutions and goals. Consider your progress towards each of them and take a moment to acknowledge how much effort you have actually put towards achieving them thus far. This shouldn't be a sign to give them up because you have some down, but rather a sign you are reaping the benefits of your hard work.
After this, you can take the time to see which goals you have put some effort into, but not as much as they may require. Reflect on what you've done so far, and consider changes you could make in your life that would allow you to get closer to surpass the goals.
As for the goals that you haven't really made progress towards, take a moment to reflect on why. The lack of progress could be the result of a number of things, including but not limited to a lack of time, self-confidence, or overextending yourself.
It's also important to remember why you made each of these goals. It goes without being said that ultimately there was a reason or even reasons as to why you wanted to achieve something. That being said, you shouldn't feel that you need to give up these goals due to a lack of real progression.
Rather than giving up on these goals, you could reframe them. To do this, break down each goal individually. List out the key components and what is required in order for you to successfully complete the goal as is.
In the event that it would be unattainable, consider aiming for a smaller change first and then going for larger ones. Using this method you would still be working on those same goals, but framing them differently allows for more small wins versus what could have been interpreted as big losses.
In reality, no one really knows all that they will face in a year, a month, a week, or even a day. There should be no shame or guilt when thinking back on your resolutions, but rather pride in how you went about to accomplish them.