"Do the carpets match the drapes?"
First of all, who are you to ask such a personal (and perverted) question like that? If you're immature enough to ask this then please feel free to go back home to your mom so she can teach you some respect. And if you think this is in any way, shape, or form flirty or funny, you need to reevaluate your approach.
"You're a redhead, so you probably have a temper."
Just like any other person with any other hair color, we each have our own individual personalities and traits. Whether or not I have a temper is not dependent on my hair color.
"If you dye your hair, it'll never go back to its natural color!"
Once again, that's not something that's because of me being a redhead. EVERYONE'S HAIR IS DIFFERENT. Some people, no matter their hair color, dye their hair and their natural color will eventually come back just fine. Others may not be so lucky. But I've known multiple redheads who have dyed their hair and their natural color always came back, just sayin'.
Being dubbed with the nickname, "Ginger"
Stop. Just stop. First of all, I don't even know you. Secondly, it's not original and it's not cute. You're not clever or funny. I promise you that you didn't think of it. I'd prefer to be called by my actual name, please.
Also, only redheads can call other redheads nicknames that refer to us being redheads.
"You must be Irish."
Actually, I don't know my ancestry. Like at all. And it's because of people like you assuming that I'm Irish that I never care to find out, either. Also, just an FYI, redheads are not all from Ireland!
"Redheads have no soul."
Sorry, didn't realize we were still in the 1700s. Get a new joke please because, once again, you've said nothing I haven't heard before.
"Is that your natural hair color?"
Okay, I get it. You're actually curious. Because if it's not natural your next question will probably be, "Who did it?" or "Where did you go to get it done?" But seriously, I'm sick of hearing this one as well. Also, don't touch me or my hair.
"Your kind will be extinct within a century."
So... did you like... get a time traveling machine and go forward in time to find out? Or are you just saying that because one day on Twitter someone else said that and you believe everything you read?
"You're SO lucky, red hair is SO pretty!"
Oh, really? You weren't saying that back in elementary school when you bullied me for it. But you're right, I'd rather have my hair than your boring, colorless, hair.
"You're so pale, how much sunscreen do you have to use?"
I get it. Ha ha ha, yes I am pale. I use an adequate amount for my skin type, thank you. Not that it's really any of your business, but yes I do indeed take care of my skin.
"You look like *any redhead character in any movie or TV show ever*!"
No, I look nothing like them. But thanks anyway. You tried.
There are so many more things I could add to this list, but I feel like you get the idea. Anyways, be nice to your local redhead and please take this list as a helpful piece of advice for interacting with us (PS: it's not that we don't appreciate being constantly complimented, it's just that when you hear something ALL THE TIME, it gets to be annoying).