Our generation is constantly victimized by aggressive brands and social media gurus looking to gain our attention. In almost every newsfeed we are exposed to unrealistic expectations whether that be models on a beach promoting a specific body image or young adults spending more money than they know what to do with. Millennials have learned to use these photos and feeds to gain inspiration in their daily lives and it has become a growing problem in our culture. We've lost sight of what is genuinely inspirational. Our feeds no longer capture the struggle it takes to achieve success, instead, we are exposed to the ultra wealthy, and insanely fit individuals and begin to assume that their lives are a normality that we can parallel to our own.
This is what needs to change. In an effort to end these unrealistic expectations, the website whencoffeeisntenough.weebly.com has created a getaway from the unattainable world. This escape from typical social media brings into focus what should truly be defined as inspirational.
As the creators of the site are college women themselves, they personally empathize with the struggles and stressors that are placed on our generation day to day. They understand that we are held to a specific standard both personally and by others, which is why they worked to create this safe haven and the reason these creators worked to develop a multidimensional atmosphere.Not only do they highlight women that are working to make a difference in the world through their "Get it Gal" tab, but they also offer tabs created for those looking to relieve themselves of stress. Specifically, through their "Warm and Fuzzy" tab dedicated to animal pictures and videos aimed at taking our mind off of your daily pressures- because who doesn't feel better after watching puppy videos? Further, they offer a "Relax" tabs that works to offer the best stress relief that give you tips from "Food for your Mood" to articles dedicated reducing anxiety overall.
Their "Career" tab is completely dedicated to helping millennials learn about what it takes to achieve success. Daily habits of thriving professionals and must read self help books are highlighted. Additionally, the "Health" tab helps to redefine our generation's beauty stigma: it promotes ways to become healthier with diet tips and exercise plans to help you feel your best.
This website is working to cure the problem that we face as young adults today. It allows us to reflect on what we should find inspirational instead of the shallow, unattainable social media we are exposed to on a daily basis. Don't remain part of the problem- start to become part of the solution.Follow whencoffeeisntenough on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/whencoffeeisntenough
Instagram: @whencoffeeisntenough
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/whencoffee