At a church trip this summer, we discussed loss and gain and how we gain so much more in Christ. However, something that resonated the most with me was an accessory part of one of an evening talks: how much Christ really loves us. I know this is something you hear countless times in Sunday school, and Psalm is completely filled with verses such as “his love endures forever.” But man oh man, does Christ love us.
In the second part of Hebrews 12:2, the author writes, “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.”
We are the great joy this verse is referring to; the bride and groom coming together. Jesus literally endured the worst death imaginable because he finds joy in us. He wants to dwell in eternity with us. How much more special can you feel??
So lets say you have 4 tests, 3 papers, and 2 quizzes to complete in one school week, I would imagine you would look forward to or plan a fun/relaxing weekend. The purpose of planning for a fun/relaxing weekend is so you have something to look forward to and something that pushes you to finish the week. That is what we were to Jesus but on a much bigger scale. Jesus endured a beating that should have killed him, being mocked, humiliated, nails being driven through bone, and hours of excruciating suffocation; and what pushed him through all this was the joy of him being reunited with His church.
Also, a crucial piece, another reason Jesus pressed forward with his sentence was because he was obeying his Father. Jesus did this by simply fulfilling all the prophesies and by following God’s will. I rarely follow God’s will regarding my plans for the next week let alone what will kill me. Jesus was faithful unto death for God and ultimately man.
As humans, we find our worth and value in all the wrong things, things that will never satisfy us, and things that truly have no right defining anything about us. We let the world measure us and not our Creator.
This world likes to put a value on people based on their skin color, socioeconomic status, looks, relationship status, and test scores. However, with Christ, the only label or value we need is that we are beloved by Him.
Jesus finds joy in us. What a magical statement. Jesus pursued you to death (literally), so don’t let the world take that away.
We are worth so much to our Savior, not that he needs us but that he wants us.
Remember, the Savior of the world thought you were worth dying for.
Written by my sweet roommate Caroline Williams.