You keep coming back.
The door's been shut but you pry it back open,
Stepping over the damage done, you waltz back in uninvited,
As if you still have a right to the places of my heart.
I try n understand the logic behind your unsupported actions
But it's beyond my mind's comprehension.
My heart whispers one thing, my mind screams another,
Yet everyone around me pursued's different.
We promised each other a forever and always,
But the words from your mouth disappear as fast as they appear.
So to keep waiting and hoping for that forgotten "forever and always"
would be like hoping and trusting gravity to hold you.
Coming to a conclusion I've chosen my life's fate.
An unbeaten path, an un-ventured by me direction,
Following the tug of the heart,
Knowing that it leads to what it's been yearning for, Solace.
Choosing not to do it by myself.
Choosing not to waste the little strength I have left.
Choosing to rest in the carefree arms of the creator,
Knowing that the doors He shuts, no man can open!