At this point in time during the semester, just like everyone else, I am stressed with preparing for finals. And on top of that the "Mizzou Mumps" have taken over campus. Here are some tips for my girls out there that are recovering from those dreaded hours or days without a sufficient amount of sleep, good food, excessive amounts of coffee, etc.
Go get your nails done. I always feel better about myself when I've been through a manicure. (Cause even if you don't feel like you have your life together, at least your nails are done.)
Go buy some new clothes. Whether it's a new dress from Altar'd State, some new Lulu, or even a cute find at TJ Maxx, you deserve it after all that stress. (Treat yo self, and worry about breaking the bank later.)
Bubble bath. Nothing is better than defeating a freezing day, than by relaxing in a bath with your favorite bath bomb, and forgetting about the class that kicked your ass. At least for a little while.
Last but not least, take a FAT NAP. Cause after not sleeping for months, your mind, body, etc. will really appreciate it. Cuddle up with your favorite blanket and take one of those naps that when you wake up, for the first few seconds, you aren't sure where you are or what day it is. That's when you know you've done it right. Trust me, you're gonna need it.