Everyone has their off days. I’m even struggling to write an article right now. Sometimes you fall in a “funk” and can’t find motivation to do anything. It may be a weird time in your life or just some old fashion stress. It’s good to detox yourself every now and then, and everyone deserves a “catch up” day whether you’re a middle schooler stressed over two big tests or a 55 year old employed CEO who can’t concentrate on the material to present at the big business meeting. If you’re taking a day to recover, here’s just a few things you should consider doing to get you refreshed and recharged.
- Go for a walk
- Take a nap
- Pet a dog
- Play with puppies at the animal shelter
- Volunteer at the animal shelter weekly
- Go buy some bath bombs
- Take a bubble bath
- Go through all the “crap” laying around your room
- Recall some amazing memories from said “crap”
- Catch up with a friend
- Go on a coffee date
- Go to a movie
- Call a relative just to see how things are
- Maybe do your homework
- Prepare and get ahead for your business meeting
- Go to the playground and take a look around
- Swing on the swing
- Color
- Basically just do anything that brings you back to childhood
- Treat yourself to some takeout for dinner
- Buy yourself dessert
- Buy stupid stuff from the clearance rack at Target
- While at Target, just wander around
- Try on some new clothes
- Try on some crazy outfits you wouldn’t even consider buying
- Try on some onesies and comfy clothes
- Pick up a new hobby
- Meditating is great for those who are stressed
- Learn to play an instrument
- Learn a new language
- Distract yourself
- Turn off the technology for a bit
- Try running or exercising
- If you’re too lazy, then just take a seat and lift some weights or something
- Start checking errands off your “To-Do” list
- Start a new series on Netflix
- Finish your new series so you can start another one
- Finally watch that movie that your co-worker has been recommending
- Google where you know that one actor from
- Fall down a wormhole of all his past roles
- Find out who this actor is allegedly dating
- Then fall down a wormhole of stalking her
- While you’re on Google, you may as well check up on current events
- Educate yourself on what’s happening in the presidential elections
- If you get furious with the debates, you can just search for all the memes about Trump. That’s always entertaining.
- Maybe while searching for memes, you fall into the vortex of presidential conspiracy theories
- Research everything about the 9/11 Bush conspiracy theory
- Then find hilarious theories like the one about the royal family being lizard people or the Mayan countdown to the world’s end in 2012 actually being the countdown to the hobbit movie.
- Log off the Internet before it gets weird
- Do your hair and makeup and get dressed up and have a photo session
- Take selfies in your sweatpants and messy bun. No judgement
- Post your best one on Twitter because you can
- Or just keep them for yourself because your eyeliner looked like it was done by the gods and should be cherished by only those who will appreciate its beauty
- Redecorate your room
- Wash your sheets and blankets
- Search for a new favorite game in the App store
- Become addicted to this new game
- Throw your phone/iPad in frustration because you can’t beat this new game
- Paint a picture
If all else fails, just scream into a pillow and start your day over again. The day can restart at 3 PM if it has to. Just remember it’s okay to feel down in the dumps or in a funk every now and then. Just write it off as a weird day, and try again. You can do it! I promise.