This is a prose piece I wrote about people - friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, anyone. There are some people that we expect to stay in our lives forever, but that's not always how life works. There are some people who surprise you and leave coldly and abruptly, and it hurts. But there's always hope in the people who will be there for you through all of life's chaos. Enjoy...
The way people exit your life says so much about who they truly are.
There are people who step out of your life with grace and poise. Their sincere desire is not to hurt you; they are gentle and tender upon their departure.
But there are the bitter few. The people who come and go through your life like a hurricane, and your heart is the storm front. As they go through life with you, they wreck everything along the way, and by the time they leave, your heart has been left behind in ruins. Every high rise where you put your trust, the green fields that grew your hope, the hole-in-the-wall coffee shop where you found your joy - all have been destroyed by the storm. This hurricane has stripped away all that you know and have loved. Where, now, can you put your trust? Hope seems lost. Joy has been destroyed.
Well, you’ll have to rebuild your beloved city from the ground up. All the pieces of your heart - every shard, every sliver of wood - will be picked up, and reconstruction will begin. But your heart is so big. There is no way such a vast area of land can be built back up within a day - it may take months, perhaps a year - but it will be built back up. And oh will it be beautiful. The high rises will be higher and the fields will be greener and the coffee shop will serve the best it’s ever had.
Until then, rebuild your heart with the help of those around you. Those who love you unconditionally, for those are the people who are there until the end. They are the stars. For the storm comes and goes, and the sun rises and sets - but the stars are constant. When the sun is shining on your heart, although they seem to have gone, the stars are in the sky. They are not needed when the sun is out. The sun’s radiance shines brighter than the stars, but still they remain in place and wait. It is not until the sun sets and darkness sets in that the stars make their presence known. The stars are there in the dark times. When your heart is in an eternal night, the stars keep their place in the sky so that you know that you are never alone. Although they are not as bright as the sun, they provide the light you need to make it through. No matter where you go - no matter the state of your heart - the stars will shine for you. And when the sun rises again, they will fade away - but they will never truly be gone.