Students who study communication often receive a bad reputation. I have overheard comments along the lines of:
"She's a communication major, so it makes sense that she can party so much."
"He didn't last in biology, so now he's studying communication."
"What does someone even do with a communication major?"
Run a quick Google search on the stereotypes of communication majors and you will sort through pages and pages of negative perceptions of students in that field of study.
News flash: Communication is beyond important in every industry. It is essential to know and understand communication in order run a business or perform any job. Whether you like it or not, communication is key.
Anyone that has studied communication knows that the classes aren't a leisurely stroll in the park. Classes require a study and understanding of communication theories, they require tedious written exams and high-pressure oral speeches. Communication is much more than talking about talking.
Scan any major successful company and you will find that a multitude of money, time and people are dedicated to the overall communication of the organization. Communication is strategic, digital, mass, intimate, face-to-face, persuasive, tedious, careful, virtual and vital.
Communication can make or break both individuals and companies. We are all humans and human interaction is the core of relationships and business. Here are some jobs that are commonly filled with communication majors:
-Vice President, Communications
-Director of Public Relations
-Account Director
-Executive Producer
-Media Director
-Senior Account Executive
-Recruiting Director
-Publicist name a few.
There are also
opportunities for fantastic internships as a communication major/minor. Many
companies have corporate communication departments.
From personal experience, my communication classes have been some of the most intellectually intriguing classes I have had the privilege of taking. My communication professors are outstanding and intelligent.
Studying communication has been one of the best decisions I have made in college. Communication has ignited my curiosity and changed the way I view the world and relationships.
The next time you think of students who study communication, rest assured that what they are studying will influence your industry in a meaningful way. Trust me.