Why You Should Reconsider Voting 'Bernie-or-Bust' | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Reconsider Voting 'Bernie-or-Bust'

For all of Bernie's stedfast supporters; how I think you should vote in the upcoming election.

Why You Should Reconsider Voting 'Bernie-or-Bust'
Vermont's NPR News Source

Like many millennials, I was firmly on the Sanders bandwagon. His ideas spoke, and still speak, to me more than any other candidate's that I can think of. Aside from the wishful idea of free college tuition, his stance on the climate change, immigration, and his feminist attitudes brought me to the conclusion that he was the best choice to lead our country for the next four years.

However, as we now know, the majority of America did not agree with me.

I had a lot of hope for a large part of the presidential primary season. Many of the people around me; fellow students, friends, family, were too voting for Bernie. Based upon this non-representative sample, I truly believed that despite what the major news outlets were saying, Bernie Sanders could very well earn the democratic nomination.

But the news was right and Hillary Clinton won out in the end. And while I don't agree with this outcome, nor did I wish for it, what has happened has happened.

Now there are many, including my brother who is the biggest Bernie supporter that I know, that feel that writing in an Independent candidate such as Jill Stein is their best option. Firm in their opinions, these "Bernie-or-Bust" voters cannot bring themselves to vote for someone who they do not believe in. While I respect that conviction, even for a brief period having that same mindset, I can no longer justify voting for a third party.

The two-party system, a problem of its own in my opinion, has never allowed someone outside of those two parties to become president and this election is no different.

The only thing that voting Independent will do is allow more states to be captured by the republican candidate, also known as Donald Trump. As a mixed-race, democratic, liberal, young female, I cannot imagine living in a country where a misogynistic, ignorant and idiotic old white man such as Mr. Trump is the ruler of the land.

Now if keeping Trump out of the White House is not enough to convince you to vote for Hillary, then maybe the fact that Bernie Sanders himself has endorsed her for president will change your mind.

The argument stands, that perhaps Bernie is simply endorsing her for president out of obligation. After losing the nomination he is legally required to do so, after all. However, he has repeatedly said both in person and over social media, that Hillary Clinton's election to the White House will best aid in the completion of his proposed political agenda.

She is the only candidate who believes in climate change, the only one with any opinions on gender equality, and the only one who has a progressive agenda aimed at our country's future.

Bernie understands that, and he also understands that historically and statistically there is not going to be enough independent voters in America for anyone other than Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to be elected to office in this coming election. He is trying to communicate to those who so fearlessly stood by him that if they have any hope of completing his agenda, that his political revolution cannot die with his loss of the nomination.

He was never meant to fulfill the work that he has proposed, we were.

So for all of the "Bernie-or-Bust" voters out there, I urge you to consider the options. Option A: Donald Trump becomes president for the next four years and America takes hundreds of political steps backwards. Option B: Hillary Clinton is elected and, while not as quickly as desired, the political revolution continues to have a fighting chance.

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