As a college student, I am familiar already with living away from my home, from my parents. I have only sparingly spent time at my parents house within the last year and a half. I spent weekends, a few weeks here and there, but no real time was spent at my parents house. Now, my parents are moving, a day I never saw would really happen. Even when I was told six months ago that they were preparing to move, I never truly believed it until my parents began searching for a new place.
Since my parents are leaving, I have begun to sort through all of my belongings to decipher what to keep and what to sell. I have seemed to find many memories from elementary school to high school. Forgotten memories both good and bad and I am able to reflect on my life. I have been extremely blessed, but I'm going to miss this home. Granted it was constantly messy and the carpets were horridly stained, it's home. In less than a month, I won't have this place anymore to run to when my classes are too much, I will have to pack up all of my memories from the past 15 years and they will just be that, memories. I will no longer be able to go back to the living room to see that nail polish stain from when I was nine years old.
My parents are not merely moving away from my childhood home, they are leaving the only town I have ever truly known. I have been friends with the same group for more than 14 years, my parents are leaving them. Those girls have been through everything with me, the good, the bad and everything in between. I will no longer have my parents in close proximity to them. In high school even, my house was the hang out hub since I was the only person who lived in town. My house was the spot of many birthday parties, after-game cheer hang outs, and sleep overs.
It has been an emotional time for myself, not as much my sister or parents, but for me I feel the emotion of leaving my home forever differently. My parents still have their hometown as well as my sister. These four walls are all I've really ever known, ever remembered. I look back and I'm sad that i will be losing this home, but I look forward towards the future. I love college. I enjoy living on my own with my friends and sorority sisters. Soon, I will be graduating college, and I will have another burst of nostalgia as I look back on college and make plans to live on my own and find my own place. There are not words to describe my excitement, or my sadness to losing this house and all the memories attributed to it. But, looking forward, there are only memories still to come; the house is not the important part, it's the people and experiences in my life.