"There is no reason to look back when you have so much good in front of you." - Unknown
This week has been filled with obstacles and trials for me. The past has a funny way of jumping up on you when you least expect it. However, I ran into a quote on Facebook that presented itself to me at exactly the right time and really made me think long and hard. I've always been one to dwell on what "could've been", but lately, I've just been rolling with the punches and letting my life unfold on it's own, which is something I think everyone should try every once in a while.
It's human nature to think about the past. It's human nature to have regrets or to think to yourself "I should've done this differently" or "I wish I reacted this way instead of that way". What I've learned is that you get nothing out of dwelling on what could've happened. We tend to get so caught up on focusing on sh*t that affected us in the past that we miss out what's going on now. We hold grudges about things until it physically or mentally hurts. We blame old loves for things they did to us and we fail to appreciate the goodness inside a new one. Not all past experiences have to affect us greatly unless we let them. When you sit back and let life unfold on it's own without any expectations, without any walls up against people, you'd be surprised how great life can be.
Life has a funny way of working itself out on its own, but you have to let it. The more time you spend focusing on something that doesn't matter anymore, the less time you have to open yourself up to greater things. As stated above, there's NO reason to look back. There's nothing you can do to change the past. The only thing you can do is learn from it. Learn from the heartbreaks, the lost friendships, the mistake you've made. Just learn. Take your past experiences and do better the next time around. Recognize the good in front of you. Acknowledge the people who stuck around through the bad times. Acknowledge the people who came into your life at the perfect moment, right when you needed them. Allow yourself to be open to love again. Forget about the dumb sh*t you've done. However, don't live with the conception that you're never going to make mistakes again, because you will, but that's okay because you have the opportunity to learn from them, again. Life in general gives everyone so many chances to do better "the next time around." Take full advantage of that and do not take it for granted. Live your life to fullest, take chances without being afraid to get hurt and always remember that there's good in the world even if you can't see it right away.