Whether you had one cousin or 20, if you spent your childhood with cousins by your side, you'll definitely recognize these 15 moments.
1. Having a special hangout place at all of your houses
Whether this was the basement, the backyard, a bedroom, or even a fort, you knew exactly where you were headed as soon as you walked through that door.
2. Having inside jokes
Sorry, you had to be there!
3. Either absolutely loving or absolutely hating when someone thought you and your cousin(s) were siblings
Yes, I have four siblings. We all have different last names for legal reasons.
4. Combined sleepovers
You'd all be up late, playing "Truth or Dare" and "Would You Rather" until the oldest one in the group got sleepy.
5. Sitting together at the kids' table during holiday dinners
When the parents stepped away into the dining room, you weren't so quiet and polite anymore.
6. Comparing presents
His present was the biggest, her present was the most expensive, she got exactly what she asked for, and you got $30. So who got the best present here?
7. Letting your younger cousins win just about every game you play, even though you could totally beat them
8. Speaking of games, you would always argue over who got to play as which character
Don't even think about choosing Toad for Mario Kart!
9. Rolling your eyes when your cousin brought over a friend from school, then started acting totally different around them
He absolutely hates swimming, until his cute friend comes over in a bikini and jumps in the pool.
10. Laughing over old home videos
And watching them over, and over, and over again.
11. Being forced to play outside, but making the most of it
The older cousins always wanted to play manhunt, while the younger ones usually preferred a simple game of tag. If you had a trampoline, the little ones would insist you play popcorn.
12. If you had a lot of cousins, you'd split up into older and younger cousins or boys and girls.
You could never agree on what to do when you were all together.
13. Having someone to confide in at the worst of times
They know your darkest secrets, and they've seen you on some of your worst days.
14. And having someone to share good news with at the best of times
If they're happy, you're happy!
15. Having best friends who just happen to be related to you
Who says cousins can't also be best friends?