Why reclaimed tiles are becoming so popular? | The Odyssey Online
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Why reclaimed tiles are becoming so popular?

People are rediscovering the dazzling beauty and incredible versatility of the tiles, but they are also enjoying the reclaimed tiles.

Why reclaimed tiles are becoming so popular?

Tile has always been one of the most popular forms of floors, wall coverings, and shower materials. However, the tiles experienced a slight slowdown a few decades ago when carpets and wood floors took over the industry. Today the tile is undergoing revitalization between commercial real estate and homeowners alike. People are rediscovering the dazzling beauty and incredible versatility of the tiles, but they are also enjoying the reclaimed tiles rather than new ones. Here are some reasons why the reclaimed tiles are so popular in 2019.

Unique appearance

Tile is one of those rare materials that can stand the test of time. The tile, in one way or another, has been used in construction for thousands of years. Although today's tiles tend to be mechanized, the ancient tiles styles were only made once by hand, which makes each one truly a unique work of art. Although the tile designer could try to imitate each one perfectly, there will be imperfections and those imperfections are what make the reclaimed tile a unique option for his next renovation project.

The green choice

Due to the increase in energy costs and the emphasis on maintaining the necessary resources, the owners are turning to eco-design options for their decoration. This is not simply a trend, but also a way of life for some homeowners and businesses. Business owners want their customers to maintain an ecological image of their business, while business owners want to feel they are doing their part to improve the environment.

The reclaimed tiles have already been manufactured and, therefore, no new materials are needed to make new tiles. With Spanish tiles, companies and owners can feel a little better about the construction materials used with a lower impact on the environment. It may seem small, but it is often the smallest things that have the greatest impact on the environment when everyone does their part.

A part of the story

History is one thing that all cultures, all over the world, try to hold on to. Time is something that can never be claimed. Buildings and other structures can be lost in time and recovering them is impossible. The reclaimed tiles are among the most sought-after building materials, as they uniquely cling to history. The structures come and go, but the tiles retain those memories and lead them to a new era.


The tiles are made to stand the test of time, but the current tiles options tend to blend with materials that are not as durable as they used to be. True craftsmanship can be seen and felt on old tiles, as the artist and the manufacturer tend to take pride in offering customers the best possible option for floors. The results of this commitment to quality can be seen throughout the reclaimed tile industry, as the designs and tiles remain intact over the years. Old tiles are better supported with a more durable interior structure and, when properly supported and glazed, show less chance of cracking than many new tile options in today's market.

The green choice

Due to the increase in energy costs and the emphasis on maintaining the necessary resources, the owners are turning to eco-design options for their decoration. This is not simply a trend, but also a way of life for some homeowners and businesses. Business owners want their customers to maintain an ecological image of their business, while business owners want to feel they are doing their part to improve the environment.

The reclaimed tiles have already been manufactured and, therefore, no new materials are needed to make new tiles. With Spanish tiles, companies and owners can feel a little better about the construction materials used with a lower impact on the environment. It may seem small, but it is often the smallest things that have the greatest impact on the environment when everyone does their part.

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