Four Dishes to make for St. Patrick's Day
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Four Dishes to make for St. Patrick's Day

Cuz it ain't a party without some rockin' food.

Four Dishes to make for St. Patrick's Day

Are you wanting to be more festive this St. Patrick's Day but have no clue where to begin? Look no further than these four classic Irish recipes that you can make for all your friends and family!

Irish Soda Bread

Crusty Loaf Patrick's Bread Irish Soda Bread

To start off why not make something everyone can get behind? That of course is bread. This traditional Irish soda bread is quick, easy, and so tasty. The texture of the bread is what most people consider to be closest to biscuits (just in a giant form). The original recipe calls only for five ingredients which could commonly be found in your own kitchen (no activated charcoal here). But, if you want to dress it up a bit, you can always add some raisins or caraway seeds (these are warm and sweet with a slight peppery taste to them). By adding the raisins and caraway seeds this bread can double as dessert!

Get the traditional recipe here.

Corned Beef and Cabbage

Okay, before you go running for the hills at the sight of the word "cabbage"-here me out. This "traditional" meal isn't actually traditional at all, in fact it only became popularized when the Irish immigrated to America. Corned beef was found to be a cost-effective alternative to pork and cabbage was just as cheap-hence the birth of this "Irish" dish. That aside, you can't spend St. Patrick's Day without hearing these two food items paired together-so why not try to make it? if the thought of a week long excursion to cure the meat sounds daunting, you can always buy the meat that has already been cured, saving you loads of time. Then, all you need to do is boil the meat and cabbage together-it's that easy! Your family and friends will think you've spent the whole week slaving away (and you don't have to tell them any differently).

Make your "Irish" meal here.

Shepherd's Pie

What's better than a sweet pie? Well, how about a savory one? This dish has it all-mashed potatoes, cheese, and meat-what more could you ask for? Not only is it tasty, but it's also very easy to make! Simply cook the meat (either ground lamb or beef) with some onions and other herbs, add in the vegetables, place it in a baking dish and top with a mountain of fluffy mashed potatoes! It's the cake you didn't know you were craving. You can also customize this versatile dish-make one large pan or several mini (because sharing will definitely be an issue). This recipe will surely leave you satisfied and content this St. Patty's Day!

I can see you drooling-so here's the recipe.

Green Velvet Cupcakes

I know I know, this recipe isn't really "traditional" but how could I not include it? I mean who doesn't want to eat green food on St. Patrick's Day-the festive day calls for it! Again, as with the other recipes mentioned, these cupcakes are crazy easy and everyone will think they're adorable! Plus, who doesn't like red velvet and cream cheese-I mean I can hardly think of a better duo than that. The only additional item needed to make these cupcakes St. Patty's Day themed is the green food coloring-either liquid or gel. Then, it's just smooth sailing into deliciousness.

Here's the recipe.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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