Before you start this recipe, make sure there are no alarms set. If there are, the recipe WILL NOT WORK.
1 Full Night’s Rest
1 Pair of cozy pajamas
Recommended for you
1 Pair of fuzzy socks (optional)
1 large cup of coffee (2 small will work as well)
2-4 Fresh Made Pancakes (Any variety)
Eggs, sausage, or bacon can be added if you wish
Combine ingredients and rest on the couch or in bed until finished. Continue to lay on the couch or in bed until no longer full, repeat as necessary. Follow this with reading a book, watching a movie, your favorite show on Netflix, or possibly by just taking a nap.
This "recipe" came to me the other morning after realizing how refreshed I felt by my lazy Sunday morning spent with my best friend eating pancakes and singing Christmas songs.
Having a lazy Sunday is important every once in a while. They can be good for your mental health and general well-being. This time of year can be extra stressful for people. With finals, and the holidays nearing, make sure you are taking care of yourself.
Honorable Mentions:
Baking cookies, playing video games, cuddling your significant other, painting, listening to music.
Go forth and have a wonderful Lazy Sunday! Comment below with other Lazy Sunday "recipes" you may have!