Recipe for Happiness | The Odyssey Online
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Recipe for Happiness

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Recipe for Happiness

Happiness to me can be defined as being independent, surrounded by people and things that I love, and living a life free of the burden of conformity. I realize this sounds pretty liberal, but bear with me. We are going to leave politics out of the conversation for this one. 😉 Allow me to elaborate.

Independence is different to everyone. Mine was vital for my sanity. My independence comes from working my ass off seven days a week to provide my boys, my fur babies and myself’s lives with adventure, love, a place of our own where we can be our crazy selves and a safe place protecting us from the evil of the world outside of our four walls when we just don’t want to be brought down.

Being independent means being able to break free of toxic environments to live a life liberated from random spurts or angry outbursts that left me feeling empty and confused, and to know that instead, I surround myself with an army of people who won’t let me fall, but still allow me to make an attempt at navigating life day by day by myself. When you’re independent, it’s important to have an army for “just in case”, but it’s even more important to be part of someone else’s army. ⚖️ Love and be loved.

The soul thrives on independence to grow, learn, adjust, and discover with no boundaries restricting its potential and your soul is the foundation for which your happiness is built. You must nurture it and treat it kindly.

Conformity doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But in my humble opinion, civilization only progresses because of those who rise to stand above the crowd confidently and take a leap of fate that most others are afraid to entertain the mere idea of. In a world of corruption, greed and selfishness, I find it immensely fulfilling to be the opposite. To bring to light injustice on a personal level. The world needs individuality. It is every person’s most powerful, underutilized weapon.

It could be as simple as being a little extra spunky at the grocery store to assist a screaming toddler whose mom is noticeably embarrassed and a little stressed out. Or it could be so bold as starting a movement that improves the unforgiving world outside of our comfort zones. Use who you are to improve your surroundings because I promise you it’s possible and it’s so, so simple.

Decidingwhat I valued was the key to unlocking a direct path to enlightenment. It wasn’t until I realized that I was the only one who could give myself *my perfect life* that I started to be proactive and remove anybody and anything that made me feel like less of the woman that I know I am in a matter of seconds. Understanding that I owe nobody an explanation for anything I do is even more freeing. Don’t discount humility, but know you’re worth... and then add tax. What do you deserve? Who deserves you? Who is only going to decrease your value? More importantly, whose going to add to it? Invest in people who invest in you and cut off those who view your presence as a nuisance, inconvenience, or dim your energy.

• What Do You Value? •

- Are you living in such a way that honors those values?

• What Is Your Definition of Happiness? •

- Do you practice caring for your happiness, or do you depend on others to make you happy?

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