Recap of the Bob McDonnell Case | The Odyssey Online
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Recap of the Bob McDonnell Case

Recap of the Bob McDonnell Case

I don't know about the rest of you, but for I feel completely alien from the outside world when I'm at college. The "news" for me consists of the latest friend gossip, happenings at UVA, and Facebook and Instagram updates. 

Finally I came out of the bubble to learn about the former governor of Virginia's federal court case. Here are the bullet points so that you too can feel a little more in the political loop.

The six week federal trial came to an end on Thursday, September 4, with devastating results for the former Governor and his family.

Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen McDonnell had been charged with multiple conspiracy charges, regarding the lack of disclosure of many expensive gifts and loans from Jonnie Williams Sr., the owner of Star Scientific. Prosecutors claimed that the former governor and his wife exchanged the power of the Governor's office for the luxurious gifts. 

On the corruption case, Bob McDonnell was found guilty on 11 out of 14 counts and Maureen McDonnell was found guilty on 9 out of 14 counts. The couple could potentially spend decades in jail. 

Part of what is so brutal about the final results of this case is that it could have been avoided entirely. Back in December the prosecutors had offered a plea deal to Bob McDonnell of pleading guilty to one count, all the others would be dropped, and his wife would be free of all charges. He refused the deal because he believed that he was innocent, and because he did not want to risk the penalty of pleading guilty, which ranged from probation to up to three years in jail, for something which he claims he is innocent. 

The former governor Bob McDonnell is the first governor in the history of Virginia to be convicted of a crime. 

The case will be interesting to follow in the up coming weeks, as it is very likely that the former governor and his wife will appeal the court's decision. So venture out of that college bubble, and be sure to keep following it. 

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