1. It took multiple conversations with your parents to convince them it was a real major.
Yes mom, I am taking REAL classes, and YES I will be getting a real degree.
2. You get absolutely no job satisfaction.
Changing lives for the better, instead of screwing someone over for a higher commission? Ehh...
3. Your classes are so boring, they'll put you straight to sleep.
Aquatic Therapy? Therapeutic Art? Outdoor Leadership? BORING!
4. Majoring in fun is just the worst.
It's just SO hard to help people do what they love every day.
5. You would much rather work a desk job.
Creating recreational programs for your patients? Um...no, I'd much rather hangout with this paper shredder and my boredom.
6. How dare they make you take a class senior year with a MANDATORY camping trip to the Smoky Mountains!!!
OMG, my professor is the worst, she's making me get hiking boots AND go camping.
7. You can make a living as a certified dolphin therapist...like, why would anyone be down for that?
Who would ever want to make a living with that?
8. You can also become certified in almost any type of therapy if you become bored...cardio drumming? Sure. Writing Therapy? Yep. Biofeedback? Totally!
Being able to become certified in anything that interests you is a great way to stay in love with your job...gross.
9. I just can't stand having small classes and knowing everyone in my major. Who wants friends?! Ugh.Friends call you out on wearing the same thing to class two days in a row, and you don't need that in your life.
10. Recreational Therapists must let their creativity flow in order to keep patients interested...talk about rough.
Everyone is unique and that means endless opportunities...and endless ideas.
11. Your patients are actually excited to come to their sessions and their energy is just exhausting.
People actually want to see me and participate? Hmm, no thanks.
12. Being part of an "up and coming" medical profession is too hipster for you to handle.
Medical breakthroughs? Treating the whole person, instead of just their physical ailments? Oh no, I'd rather have something much more mainstream, like Human Resources or Communications.
13. Helping people is overrated.
People are the worst and don't even get me started on HAPPY people.
14. Always having a stable job market is too much commitment.
What if I just want to move back in with my parents and freeload after graduation!?
15. Having the option to work with any sort of population (i.e. geriatrics, psych, developmental disabilities, etc.) along with all ages is too hard of a choice because you love them all too much to pick!
Yeah there's definitely nothing amazing about this or anything.
16. You'd much rather spend your time crying over OChem than playing with puppies or horses during your Animal Assisted Therapy Intervention.
Just because you clearly hate yourself.
17. Why would anyone focus on the abstract data of their patients?
Paying attention to what makes someone unique in order to heal the whole person and make them happier is just SILLY.
18. Ugh, you actually get paid to enjoy what you do.
Oh my gosh, you're actually getting paid to make people smile?! There's no way that's real.
19. You're changing the world.
Taking on the world's problems and improving lives, or Netflix? hmm...
20. Okay, so maybe Recreational Therapy isn't so bad.
There are definitely worse things than making people smile for a living.