5 Tips To Re-Building Your Self-Esteem After Going Through Years Of Bullying | The Odyssey Online
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5 Tips To Re-Building Your Self-Esteem After Going Through Years Of Bullying

Bullying is hard, but it is possible to re-build yourself

5 Tips To Re-Building Your Self-Esteem After Going Through Years Of Bullying

The effects of bullying is like a virus that slowly breaks you down and has a negative, long-term effect on a person's psyche. Bullies has been around for ages, and in today's world, it seems like they are everywhere. Bullying may not be like what you see in the movies, such as the schoolyard bully that everyone labels as the antagonist. They could be a "friend", a group of "peers", or even a teacher. A teen can slowly be broken down by their peers and never be aware the bullying is happening, but overtime they develop emotional and physical scars. Here are some tips to help you rebuild your self esteem.

1) Surround Yourself with Positive People

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

In the world today, there's so much negativity and pain. When your peers, friends, teachers, or family cause pain and anxiety, it can make a person feel inferior and depressed. Choosing to leave the negativity behind may seem hard at first, but surrounding yourself with people who have your best interests at heart will leave you with a positive outlook on life. Popularity may force you to stay with a group that call themselves your friends, but if they leave you feeling insecure and anxious, then it is time to ask yourself: what is really important? Do you want to be around people who celebrate your self worth or do you want to be a stepping stone for others? Only you can bring more positivity into your life.

2) Seek Support

brown steel window frame with text overlay Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Bullying can lead someone to bottle up their feelings or isolate themselves. However, having people to turn to or confide in when there is something on your mind can ease the pain that you are feeling. It can be anyone you trust such as teachers, parents, or friends. Support is a key element when trying to recover from years and years of being bullied. Listening to podcasts can be another tool to use when your struggling with unresolved anger or sadness. The stories can help bring relief and calm your mind. Seeking out a counsellor or a peer that is a good listener will help you let go of unresolved feelings. Participating in group discussions with others who have shared similar experiences as you can give you the emotional support to help you move forward.

3) Be Positive

be positive scrabble pieces Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Another tip to moving on and facing these memories of bullying head on is getting rid of the negativity in your life. This could be people or even social media. Cutting ties with the negativity in your life can feel like a weight has been lifted off of you. It feels really refreshing to be surrounded by people who only want to see you succeed. Spending less time on social media and focusing more on yourself can let you grow and see who you are without the constant torment.

4) Self-Love

woman standing in green field Photo by Olia Nayda on Unsplash

Look for positive things in your life. Celebrate your achievements. Let go of negative thoughts and replace them with compassion and love. We need to remember that every single person is valuable but first, we must accept and love who we are. Accept your shortcomings as what has shaped you as a person. Reclaiming power is a great way to start rebuilding yourself. Staying strong and focusing on all the good things in your life will help give you the feeling of self love. It doesn't matter what others think of you, it only matters what you think of you!

5) Letting Go

silhouette of man during sunset Photo by Максим Степаненко on Unsplash

Although it might be hard to control what's happening to you, it's easier to control your reaction. Putting the past behind you is a good way to start finding closure and trying to detach yourself from any traumatic experiences that you may have experienced. It is possible to get away from people who don't treat you with respect. The most important thing is to acknowledge that you were a victim to bullying and to not let the tormentor's actions define who you are. Do not let anger or revenge impair your judgement to make the right decisions. Move on and take the high road, and look forward to bigger and better things.

From experience, I have learned that people can be cruel and can often build you up so they can tear you back down again. It took me a long time to realize that this didn't have to be my life and I did have the courage to stand up and leave the people who hurt me and instead surround myself with people who encourage and inspire me to be a better person.

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