August 29, 2005:
Hurricane Katrina pummeled Louisiana and neighboring states. The category three hurricane recked havoc on New Orleans due to the levies breaking causing much devastation throughout the region due to surging Gulf waters. I remember new kids coming into my fourth grade class due to the state wide emergency that lost many lives, and left many dispersed from where they called home. 10 years ago, a city left in dismay and shambles from this horrible natural disaster. Though, 10 years later, the city of New Orleans stands hopeful and full of history and culture as it did before!
Downtown New Orleans: Then & Now
Pictured: Lower 9th Ward in 2005
Bouron Street, New Orleans in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina passed.
August 29, 2015:
10 years after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Louisiana is back on its feet like never before. Traditions, like Mardi Gras, continue with even greater pride of their immense efforts to reclaim their roots. Many vacationers flock to NOLA making stops at Cafe Du Monde for their infamous beignets and other historical areas around the city. So much history and triumph this region has overcome in the last 10 years, which should be celebrated by all. Though families suffered much loss, and though we will never forget what happened in 2005, it's good to take time out to realize how much greener the grass has become since then.
Pictured: The Lower 9th Ward in 2015
Before & After of Downtown New Orleans
Bourbon Street, Louisiana in 2015 (Mardi Gras not being held at the time of this picture).
Though our nation has had a chaotic couple of months with following Mr. Trump, tragic losses of our police force, and devastating mass shootings, it's good to stop for a second and see the accomplishments New Orleans, Louisiana has overcome in order to stand back up after being pushed down by catastrophic Katrina. It's good to know that a community and nation can come together to make such accomplishments possible. It's good to recognize there is hope after tragedy though it might take some time. 10 years later, we still haven't forgotten about Katrina and her devastation, the lives lost, or heroes who acted so lives could be saved. 10 years later, still remembering the past look forward at what is to come for New Orleans. God bless all those affected by Katrina, just know we are all so proud of the huge strides you have made in your communities.