One of the worst feelings is seeing a friend going through heartbreak or going through heartbreak yourself. It is upsetting because you know that no matter what you say your friend probably won't take your advice.
Some times the reasons we don't move on are because we still have hope for a positive outcome in the future, we aren't ready, or we plain and simply refuse.
If you feel like you are stuck in a situation where you keep going back to a person or thing and just can not figure out how to move on here are five reasons on why you should.
1. The situation you are in is hurting you, leaving you with sleepless nights and tears.
We have all had those days where we couldn't sleep because something was too upsetting, and if you are at that point with someone you should move on. Staying in that situation is only going to continue to make you upset and feel hopeless.
2. The person is only there when it is convenient for them.
If the only time they answer your texts or phone calls is when they want something from you, they're no good for you.
3. They invite you to social events and parties but they spend the whole time talking to someone else.
For those who are in college, you know if someone invites you to something typically you spend the majority of the time with them, not hanging out as far away from them as possible!
4. They say we should stop talking but call you a day later saying they miss you.
Don't listen to someone who goes back and forth on their word all the time, you can't trust them.
5. They already moved on.
Wave goodbye because if someone already seems like they moved on, it is probably best if you move on too. Everyone deserves to be happy in the long run.