4. Because you should NEVER say no to a good time. | The Odyssey Online
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4 Reasons You Should Go See Your Old Favorite Band

Picture this: You're scrolling on instagram and see your favorite venue just announced your fav emo band is coming to your town. Should you go?

4 Reasons You Should Go See Your Old Favorite Band
Wikimedia Commons

Yes, yes and yes you should. Here's why:

1. The week before the show will be the BEST ever.


Every time I convinced myself it's okay to spend $25 to go see band I'm not super into anymore, I go on a music binge. For example, in October 2017 I got the chance to see Pierce the Veil. I was a huge fan of them throughout middle school and high school, but I hadn't really listened to them at that year. That is until a week before the show. I was listening to them 24/7 and all my memories of listening to them flooded my mind: when I only listened to Bulletproof Love when dude broke my heart, to when my cousins and I would scream along to King For A Day on the drive home. Reminiscing the good ole days made the show so much better.

2. 14-year-old you would be mad if you didn't.


I don't know about you but growing up going to concerts took so much planning. I had to find a way to earn money so my weeks would be spent washing as many dishes as I could so my mom would THINK about buying me a ticket. So when bands would announce a show out of the blue, I often took the L and couldn't go.

Now, as an 18-year-old with 2 part-time jobs, I have more money, therefore, I can afford to go a show if one happens to come along.

So when I can't decide if it's worth it or not I picture how mad 14-year-old, emo me would be if she heard I skipped out on seeing The Maine in their hometown.

3. Who knows? Maybe you'll fall in love with them all over again.


Call me a dork but music means a lot to me.

When I fall in love with a band that love is forever. But as time goes on and I listen to them less and less, I tend to just forget. But going to a show is like discovering a hidden treasure chest and as the band takes the stage you're flooded with an abundance of old memories.

Your cheeks will blush and your eyes will water as you sing along to the song that got you through the good times and the bad. You might not be a die-hard fan anymore, but you'll remember how much you used to be.

4. Because you should NEVER say no to a good time.


I've never had a bad time at a show so I can assure you, you'll have the time of your life.

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