Let's face it, having a job while in college isn't the best. Sometimes it can seem like your schedule is super hectic plus you have to work too. But even though having a job might not be ideal, working for your college's admissions office is definitely one of the best jobs to have on campus.
1. You meet amazing people
Working for my college's admissions office has introduced me to some of my closest friends at college thus far. I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to meet people I would have never become friends with by working in admissions. The admissions counselors who I work for are also so nice and fun to work for.
2. Two words. Free snacks!
If you work for admissions, then you know what a big deal special events are. But at the majority of these special, there are snacks, which you can sneak during breaks in the presentation. Also if there's leftover perishable food like donuts or fruit, the admissions counselors let you take it since it will end up going bad.
3. It's super convenient
Working at a job on campus is super convenient because it allows you to pick up shifts between classes. If I have classes in the afternoon, I can easily work a few hours in the morning. Everyone in the office completely understands that you have a crazy schedule and they're more than happy to work around your schedule.
4. By walking around a lot you can get an easy workout in
Walking around campus giving tours may be annoying at times, but you basically get a mini workout in by walking around a lot. Giving a tour in the freezing cold or super hot weather may be annoying at times, but at least you are getting your steps in.
5. You learn a lot about your campus
Learning secrets about your campus is another perk that comes with working for admissions. You get details on things that most other students never find out.
6. You break out of your comfort zone
Working for admissions involves in meeting a lot of new people and prospective students, which can kinda be nerve-racking at times. But if you're like me and are a mostly introverted person, having to talk and meet new people allows you to break out of your comfort zone.
7. Working for admissions is like being part of a family
At my college, working for admissions is like being part of a small, mixed up family. We sometimes work long hours and have to deal with difficult people but we all bond together. I've met amazing people by working with admissions and even though holding a job on campus may be difficult at times, I'm grateful to have one of the best jobs on campus.
8. Free t-shirts and apparel
Even though you may have a million college t-shirts, you can always depend on your college admissions office for handing you t-shirts or apparel. When you're going out on tour with a prospective family you have to be repping your school.
So even though walking around your school's entire campus multiple times a day might not be the most ideal, working for your college's admissions office is definitely better than the summer job you normally work at home. You meet great people, form new relationships, and are reminded on a day to day basis why you choose your college in the first place.