While in college, there are several opportunities that universities offer. Studying abroad is offered in most universities, but why don’t students take advantage of it? Too expensive? Afraid to leave home? FOMO (fear of missing out)? Well, there is an answer to all of those questions. At my school, it costs just as much, or even less, to study abroad. Why not spend the same amount of money and get to experience a different country. Afraid to leave home, well you will make your host country your home. After a few weeks you'll never want to leave. Do you have FOMO? Well, you should have FOMO for not studying abroad, you miss out on all these wonderful experiences, meeting new people, and trying the best drinks around. There is so many reasons why you should study abroad, and here is a few:
1. You'll meet new people all over the world
Have your best friends at home? When you travel you meet the people who share the same interest as you. These people will be your lifelong friends, and that means you have people all over the world you can visit. Who doesn't like a free place to stay when you go and visit?
2. You get to try amazing food
Most countries have their own famous dish. It could range from Spanish Paella, Italian Pasta, authentic Chinese food, but you can’t experience that back home can you? No food is every the same in your home country then the one it came from. Trying new dishes is probably the best part of studying abroad.
3. You get to listen to music that isn't played in your home country
Who else likes new Pandora stations?
4. You get to spend a semester traveling a foreign country instead of working
Why not take a weekend trip to Italy? Maybe China? Fiji? Anywhere is possible when you're in another country.
5. The alcohol is a lot better too
Everywhere you go, alcohol is so much cheaper, and it is completely acceptable to have a beer at 11 in the morning.
6. You get to do cool things that you can't do at home
Can you take selfies with camels in the US? Probably not.
7. Better perspective of the world
We watch the news and listen to everything they say about the world, but do you really believe everything you see? When you travel you get to break all of the stereotypes of the other countries, and see how their life really is. Honestly, why should you watch what is going on instead of experience it for yourself?
8. Learn more about yourself
You have so much room to go, and if you stay in your comfort zone your whole life, you will never know what all you can accomplish. Being in another country, it forces you to experience new things. Nothing is the same in a foreign country like it is at home, you have to learn how to use a map, talk to people you’ve never met, learn a new language and even try to
9. Disconnect from the world
Everyday we get on social media to see what everyone else is doing. Living without a phone allows you to take the opportunity to get to know the people around you, live life how you want to, forget about the problems, and just enjoy life without any worries.
10. Travel while you are young
If you wait to travel, you'll end up being a grownup and never actually going. When you're young, you don't have a worry in the world. You can go to the club or travel around the city with so much energy.
11. Earn more respect for your home country
After traveling for months or even a few weeks, coming home is the biggest change you will have. Realizing how much your home country offers, what you are used to every day is so much better then what it was when you left. It’s hard to explain but it is the best feeling to just be home, but want to leave within the next year.