To procrastinate: the act of consciously waiting to do your homework, or work till the last possible second; usually accompanied by binge watching Netflix, or napping.
We're all guilty of it, procrastinating. It's not something we're necessarily proud of, but happens more than we'd like to admit. Procrastinating is like eating the last slice of chocolate cake even though you already had three other pieces in the same day; it's not good for us, but always ends up occurring, and tempting us even when we know better. It's easy to procrastinate, and push all your responsibilities off your shoulders for a little while longer while you lay in your nice, warm, loving bed, but deep down you know you should be writing that paper due Monday, or studying for the test you have next Wednesday. Sometimes, it becomes so deeply engrained in your homework routine that you need a push to realize the harm it's actually doing.
1. It causes even more unnecessary stress than you normally have.
There's no need to pile more stress onto of the mountain of stress you're already carrying around with you in your backpack, so take a deep breath and start your work on time.
2. Doing your work on time will ultimately leave you more free time for yourself, or well, Netflix.
Once you do your work and within a reasonable amount of time, you'll feel a weight lift off you, and you'll be free to do whatever you please.
3. Sometimes you'll procrastinate everything, and than have a billion things to do at once, all due on the same day, that you'll never finish in time.
Overwhelming, and honestly causes more mental breakdowns and stress than anyone needs in their life.
4. You'll never really understand what's going on in class when you wait until the last minute to try to learn everything your professor has been teaching all semester.
And you'll never catch up either, which means you probably won't do that well in the class, unless you're a super genius.
5. You'll probably turn into a monster.
Stress does things to people, scary things.
6. Your professor will probably add more homework to the list before you even started the last assignment.
Then you're screwed. You're never going to finish, better start crying now.
Procrastinating is never the way to do things: it'll cause many mental breakdowns, unhealthy eating habits, and too many tears to count. It isn't healthy for your mind, body, or anyone who is around you. I know it may be hard, and cause many changes, most for the better, but procrastination is something we all need to stop doing, and will only benefit yourself.