You know those notes you have to take in all your classes (whether it is the ones you liked or the ones you disliked). The notes that made your hands feel like they were going to fall off. The notes that you never look back on before a test. The notes that you want to get rid of for the rest of your life... Yea, those notes.
Well, what if I told you instead of throwing those notes away, they can help you in the long run. They will help you if you decide to continue on to college. Yea, it's fun to set up a bonfire and burn all the notes, quizzes, tests, etc. But think about this. If you were to keep them, there will be good use for them. (I don't mean keep every paper, you could still burn those other useless paperwork)
1. Sell Your Notes
Whether you're in high school or college, selling your notes to underclassmen or friends that are taking the class is the best way to earn your money.
2. Oh! I remember this!
We all have that moment when your teacher/professor is lecturing and you realized that you learned the lesson before but you just cannot remember the exact details. This is when your notes comes handy. You can go back and look through it.
3. Formula Sheets
Keep your formula sheets whether it's from your math classes or science classes you'll need them one day. Especially in college. Also, who knows you might need to convert something.
4. Looking back on how far you have gone
Keeping your schoolwork sounds kinda lame, but sometime in the future you would want to look back and be reminded of the hard work and effort you put into your work.
5. Sometimes teachers/professors would use the same materials over and over again
There is always that one teacher/professor that recycles their quizzes each year. Which you can use your notes and previous quizzes to help you.
6. Connection
There are some courses you take and have some kind of connection to it that made you love that class. A class you took might have transformed you to a different person or helped you choose the path you wanted. Some classes teach a valuable lesson, whether you admit it or not.
7. Career related notes
Depending on the career you take, you can keep your notes to refresh your knowledge on the materials you have forgotten every once in a while. It never hurts to look back.
8. Compare
Later on when you have kids, you could go back and see how education has changed over the past years. You never know how education would change over the years.
9. Looking back
We can go through our busy lives, but we can never see the world like we did as a kid again because of how quickly we grow, but with the old work you've done when you were a child will always be cherished. So be happy that your parents kept your old works when you were a child, you could always look back and cherish those moments.
10. Okay, final is coming up!
We all know the struggle of finals week, and I know a couple of you out there would throw out your notes after every quiz, but keeping them till the end of the semester would be a good idea.
11. What did you do wrong?
We all make mistakes and if you got a couple things wrong you could always go back to your notes to see why you missed them.