As a self-proclaimed book nerd, it comes as no surprise that I love to wander random bookstores. I've been known to make my boyfriend pull over the car at random side streets just to stop at stores that look like they might sell books. What is better than buying books? Having completely free access to any book you would like at any time. That's right, I'm talking about the library.
Thousands of free books
Do I want to read poetry? Sci Fi? Relive my childhood with the "Magic Treehouse" books? It's all possible here at your local library.
It's the perfect place to have some alone time
I need copious amounts of alone time to function as a normal human in society. The one place nobody really bothers me? The library. Bonus points because you're not allowed to talk to me above a whisper. Speaking of peace and quiet...
Children are forced to be fairly tame
Children never appear more angelic than when they are sitting quietly with a book in their hands.
The atmosphere encourages studiousness
Big tables, comfy chairs, soft lighting... the library is a sanctuary of peace. Whether I'm filling out job applications or finally getting some writing done, I can count on the library to inspire me and encourage me to be studious.
You can travel to other countries and worlds without leaving your chair
I've traveled to Hogwarts with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I walked across Amsterdam with Hazel and Augustus. I competed in the "Hunger Games" with Katniss and Peeta. All while sitting in my favorite chair, without spending a cent.
The smell of books (you know exactly what I'm talking about)
Smelling your kindle just doesn't have the same effect.
Someone is always there to help you, but only when you actually want it
Nothing is worse than walking into a store and being bombarded by store employees unwanted help. Arguably one of the best parts of the library? The librarian will always help you, but only when you actually want his or her help.
It's an easy place to continue learning at any age
Whether you want to spontaneously learn Chinese or which herbs to plant to help save the bees, the library is a good place to start.
They have more than just books
Movies, CDs, you name it, the library has it. All free to rent, right at your fingertips.
It's the perfect place to escape the heat for a few hours
If you're anything like me, paying $10 to get into the pool to cool off just doesn't cut it most days. Instead, I can head on over to the library and mooch their free air conditioning on the particularly hot days. The best part? They don't expect you to buy anything.
You get a free membership for life
There are no hidden fees, tricks, or requirements. Once you get a library card, you're a member for life.
So what are you waiting for? Head out this summer and find your new favorite library to explore.