Registration day: the day that college students dread the most. Everyone on campus is rushing to sign up for classes before they fill up so they a) do not get stuck in morning classes or b) with bad professors. I've been one of those lucky people who has landed a seat in 8:00 A.M. classes for the last four semesters. As painful as it sound to have two years of 8:00 A.M. classes, I have grown to love them. Here's why.
1. You get finished with classes early.
Everyone I have met in college has told me that I will regret ever signing up for an 8:00 A.M class and freshman year I believed it. I quickly realized that all of those horror stories were not true at all. While I was finished with classes by noon, all of my friends were just starting their days which usually did not end until late at night.
2. You are more productive in the morning.
I'm always more productive in the morning because I always feel refreshed and focused. Because all of my classes are in the morning, I'm able to get into a groove and finish all of my work after. I always feel more productive because I'm able to check off a lot from my to do list which opens my weeknights and weekends.
3. You have the rest of the day to spend time doing whatever you want.
Because I took early classes, my days ended earlier and left me with unlimited free time to do anything. All this extra time gave me a chance to get ahead on my homework, study, and rest. By being able to get ahead in my classes during the day, my schedule became more flexible to do things I wanted to do.
4. It's healthy for you.
Waking up early for school allows you to finish your day earlier and leaves time to go to bed at a reasonable time. This also helps you create a healthy sleeping schedule that allows you to feel refreshed. Having early routine sleeping schedules also helps you fight late night cravings and gaining unwanted weight.
5. Gets you ready for future career schedules.
It may be unappealing to you now, but everyone in the adult world usually wakes up earlier than the dreaded 8:00 A.M. class to begin their days. By training yourself to wake up early now, your body will get used to it and it won't be a total shock when you are forced to wake up before the sun after you graduate.
6. You're able to find the best parking spaces.
One of the biggest headaches about Clemson is definitely the parking. Finding open parking spaces on campus can be as hard as Chemistry 1010. Morning classes can lessen this pain and make it easier to find parking spots since basically no one is up before noon.
7. You're also able to find the best places in the library.
Just like Clemson's parking spaces, finding an open spot at the library is always a challenge. I have found out that the best time to go to the library is after 8:00 A.M. classes because it is a desert since no one is awake before the sun comes up. So you are guaranteed to get your favorite seat!
I'm probably the worst morning person ever, but with an excessive amount of caffeine I have been able to survive four semesters of early morning classes. If you're like me and aren't a morning person, that does not mean you shouldn't take an 8:00 A.M.